Tag Archives: shes-the-most

Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is a big…in fame and physical size… actress who turned popstar who sings about masturbating, because all these self involved freaks love themselves so much they think they can do anything, all thanks to their parents over inflating their egos with affirmations….conditioning them to be child stars that they masturbate watching themselves in the mirror…it’s the hottest shit to them… While the hottest shit to you was Hailee Steinfeld because she was underage for the bulk of her career and America sexualizes underage girls by telling you you can’t fuck them…something you freaks can’t handle…so when you see her in bikinis and fame whoring you are forced to jerk off to her…GOOD FOR BUSINESS…you’re sad and lonely…and that makes some people rich and famous! Life as a loser… I don’t know who told her to wear these tacky trailer park mom in the 90s who was a hooker at night, but it was a comicbook convention and you know the audience of that would die seeing this…GOOD FOR BUSINESS….nerds ruin everything…unless these pants are a good thing…I can’t tell because I don’t see LABIA… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Hailee Steinfeld Pants for the Nerds of the Day

Isabeli Fontana’s See Through of the Day

If you look at this picture from the right angle – maybe with your screen brightness jacked up – you can see her tits… You may not remember, know or care about Isabeli Fontana, but I remember her being one of the first Brazilian models before the whole Brazilian model shit went crazy, who worked for Victoria’s Secret, half naked at 15 o 16 years old…because to people like me, taking pictures of half named 16 year olds is illegal and will get you arrested and raped in prison – but if you’re a billion dollar corporate Mall brand..it’s celebrated….those young fit bodies…so perfect in made in China sweatshop wares. She’s been naked for fashion before, she’s 32 and an old timer, she’s seen some shit, from a bunch of rich dudes, to having a bunch of kids, but she’s still got it going on….and that’s really a rare gem…. The post Isabeli Fontana’s See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Isabeli Fontana’s See Through of the Day

Selena Gomez for GQ May 2016 of the Day

I have a friend who goes absolutely mental, like a full blown retard in a helmet hitting rocks together in the park, while masturbating….when I make fun of Selena Gomez and her Chemotherapy…. You probably don’t know or care about this, because you’re more into looking at her breast implants, but I find this story so absurd, I write about it in every Selena Gomez post, and that is that right when you last Album dropped, because all these actors want to be singers, because there’s no money in acting, but there is money in selling out arenas…Selena Gomez announced that everyone was mean calling her fat, or breast implanted, because she was actually undergoing CHEMO….for her LUPUS… Yes, LUPUS kills, I know people with LUPUS who have died. I know people with LUPUS jacked up on steroids and not once did those people milk having LUPUS to sell records… So when Selena dropped the CHEMO bomb, pretty dramatic right, brings images of dying children, right….she was still touring, performing, hanging out with Taylor Swift, partying, all while brushing her LUSCIOUS FUCKING HAIR…. because the dose was so low she didn’t lose her hair… She lathered on the dramatics using big scary C words….to get sympathy….and now shes the most followed person on Instagram…but more importantly, she’s topless in GQ…because that’s what being an Instagram whore is all about..even when the pics are for a genuine magazine because she’s a genuine celebrity who deserves the millions of followers and not just some TILA TEQUILA level stripper brands are throwing money at, making it rain, to promote skinny teas and protein powders… All this to say, I like a weak, dying, CHEMO filled Selena Gomez and her spider veins…because it makes her running from my mouth because I want my MOUTH ALL OVER HER….and not just to taste BEIBER…that’d be homo….and HOMO despite all the press HOMOS get is not for me….but broken girls..with parents who whore them is for me.. Either way, good photoshop job GQ. Here is the video The post Selena Gomez for GQ May 2016 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez for GQ May 2016 of the Day