Tag Archives: irina-sheik

Irina Shayk Is Seriously Just Too Damn Hot

I had a really hard time choosing which picture of Irina Shayk I wanted to use as the top one, they’re all so damn hot I was losing my mind. So I printed them all out, covered my naked body in honey, through them up in the air and whichever one stuck to my crotch was the winner. I think it worked out pretty well. Seriously though, it doesn’t really matter which picture I chose, the woman is just too hot for words. She’s wearing a see through top and leggings with holes cut out of them. Come on! The selection process I used for this post is also how I decide how much tip to leave the waitress. more pictures of the Irina Shayk here

Katrina Bowden Leaves Me Speechless

Here’s Katrina Bowden on the red carpet at some event the other night. Seriously? This is what I’ve got to write about today? I love the chick at all, but she’s basically an extra on 30 Rock . It’s alright, I can do this. Here she is wearing a nice little purple dress and… I’ve got nothing. At least if she was in those little booty shorts she always wears, while she walks around in the background of a very popular NBC sitcom, I’d have something to look at while I waste everyone’s time typing in enough letters to fill an adequate amount of space so that my boss thinks I wrote a whole paragraph about this garbage. That should do it. Enjoy.

Irina Shayk & Her Team Of Hot Friends

Alright, I think this should probably just about do it for posts featuring any of this year’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit models… At least for this week. Here’s Irina Shayk and her team of sexy friends at yet another party thrown in their honor. You would think that after all the pictures I put up of them, the least they could do was invite me to one of their parties. It doesn’t have to be the launch party either, I’ll go to the last one, the one they throw for all the accountants and boring behind the scenes guys where only the third string models have to show up. If there’s booze… I’m there. more pictures of the SI models here

Irina Shayk & Friends Heat It Up Again

Normally I would say that I’m getting a little sick of all this attention my site has been giving all these Sports Illustrated swimsuit hotties, like Irina Shayk and the rest of them, but they’re all just so fine that I really don’t mind in the least. I’ve cropped and resized so many images of the girls that they’re getting into my dreams, it’s awesome, I’ve been taking several naps throughout the day just so that I can see them again. When we last left off, me and the girls were going to make blueberry muffins in Mrs Huxtable’s kitchen while the kids were at school… Fun. more pictures of the rest of the girls here

Irina Sheik Toples In GQ Magazine

I’m still not sure what I’m supposed to call this Russian hottie, sometime she’s known as Irina Sheik , sometimes she’s Irina Shayk , but for the sake of this post I’m going to call her my new internet girlfriend. Here she is topless on the cover of GQ magazine. Alright so she’s not topless in every picture, but the ones where she was forced to cover up, she does it with various skimpy see through outfits. Thank you. Now if only I can get her to distance herself from that soccer Euro-douche we’d be in business. Call me.

Irina Sheik aka Irina Shayk aka Christiano Ronaldo’s Incredibly Hot Piece Of Ass

I’m getting all kinds of conflicting reports as to what this hot Russian model’s name is, some say Irina Sheik some say Irina Shayk , it’s confusing my crotch like it’s nobody’s business. All I know is that she’s that soccer playing, out of the World Cup Euro douche Christiano Ronaldo’s girlfriend and she’s frickin’ gorgeous. She could be named Keith for all care, I’d still want to bone her.

Irina Sheik And Jessica White Make A Great Pair

Not many people are aware of this, but if you take two supermodels like Irina Sheik and Jessica White , put them in sexy little dresses and rub them together you’ll get an incredible spark….. In my pants. I know that’s a lame joke, but I’m too mesmerized by these two hotties that I’m keeping it. Enjoy. more pictures of Irina Sheik And Jessica White here