Tag Archives: israeli-attack

From Shared Sacrifice to Hedonism

After Japan’s 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt delivered a national address making eight references to the “sacrifice” that would be needed in the impending war and three mentions of the “self-denial” we would have to endure. – 2010/06/03

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From Shared Sacrifice to Hedonism

Israeli Attack on Gaza Aid Ship- Q&A Robert Scheer- Truthdig

From the Live Chat :What are your thoughts regarding Gaza flotilla and how does mainstream media coverage compare to the truth? Robert Scheer: There’s almost no connection, and that goes back 43 years, when Gaza was occupied. The media has refused to recognize it as what Jimmy Carter called it, an apartheid, and not just Gaza but the entire area

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Israeli Attack on Gaza Aid Ship- Q&A Robert Scheer- Truthdig

thoughts regarding Gaza flotilla and The Medias role – Ask

From the Live Chat : Robert Scheer on the Israeli Attack on Gaza Aid Flotilla What are your thoughts regarding Gaza flotilla and how does mainstream media coverage compare to the truth? Robert Scheer: There’s almost no connection, and that goes back 43 years, when Gaza was occupied.

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thoughts regarding Gaza flotilla and The Medias role – Ask