Tag Archives: its-guarantee

January Jones Hits, Runs, Returns

According to the LAPD, the Mad Men star fled the scene after driving her Range Rover into not one, not two, but three vehicles late Thursday. Jones, who reportedly said she couldn’t “deal with this commotion,” later returned to explain to cops that she was being hounded by paparazzi. And why? Notes TMZ : “[P]hotos of her doing a ‘walk of shame’ were all over the Internet yesterday, showing her arriving home in a taxi in the same dress she wore to an event the night before.” Good grief. Where’s Alison Brie to run interference when you need her? [ TMZ ]

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January Jones Hits, Runs, Returns

NSFW: Jim Carrey’s Gay Sex Scene From I Love You Phillip Morris

Will general audiences in the United States ever see I Love You Phillip Morris , the Jim Carrey/Ewan McGregor gay farce that played at Sundance in 2009? It’s looking less and less likely, since despite being released all over the world by now, the film still can’t land a U.S. distributor that can actually pay its guarantee . Potentially part of the holdup? This super graphic gay sex scene.

Originally posted here:
NSFW: Jim Carrey’s Gay Sex Scene From I Love You Phillip Morris