The Bosh Children Play Together Miami Heat baller Chris Bosh and his mommy-banger wife Adrienne may have had a rough couple of weeks recently, but their adorable little Bosh bunch don’t seemed to be phased one bit. Mommy-banger and former bustdown Adrienne recently shared a few pics of baby Jackson Bosh and his sister Trinity spending have some sibling playtime and they looked to be having the time of their little lives. Too cute! Peep a little more from the Bosh bunch on the flip…..
Man Arrested For Driving Drunk With 4 Young Children Strapped To The Hood Of The Car They just look like some straight up drunks! An Indiana man accused of driving three blocks with four children strapped to the hood of his car was being held in jail Tuesday on charges of drunken driving and neglect, police said. Fort Wayne police said the mother of three of those children also was being held on neglect charges. The other child belonged to the man. None of the children – aged 4, 5, 6 and 7 – was injured, police spokeswoman Raquel Foster said. A witness called police Monday evening after seeing a man and woman using a tow strap to tie the children to the car in a liquor store parking lot and then drive away, Foster said. “Apparently they were traveling a short distance, and he believed they would enjoy it,” Foster said. She said a U.S. marshal overheard the police radio traffic, spotted the car and pulled it over. Foster said she had no information about the children’s reaction to the ride. The man had a blood alcohol content of .17, more than twice Indiana’s legal limit for driving, Foster said. Police said the woman also appeared to be intoxicated. The man and woman’s relationship was unclear. Foster issued a statement Tuesday morning that said Aaron S. Stefanski, 29, of Fort Wayne, faces felony neglect charges and three counts of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, and that Jessica A. Clark, 29, of Fort Wayne, also faces a felony neglect charge or charges. Foster’s statement said the incident remains under investigation by the Fort Wayne Police Department, the Department of Child Services and the Allen County Prosecutor’s Office. Wow, so this mfer thought the kids would enjoy being strapped to the hood of the car…AND their mother let him do it?? SMMFH!! Source
This precious newborn has been rooting for his Daddy in the playoffs, can you guess who his hoop star Pops is? Adrienne Bosh tweeted this photo of herself and baby Jackson Bosh as well as some links to articles about the baby with photos. She has really been enjoying motherhood. Check out more photos below: Twitter/April Belle Photos