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Video Introduction to Jay Levin Mastery
Here is a premise to ponder: That you were born psychic and intuitive – meaning you had extra-sensory radar that could move beyond time and space and report back with information you had not heard nor seen, tasted, smelled or touched. Every now and then you get glimmers of that psychic ability which you likely define as “intuition.” There is something you just “know” or feel. Many if not most times we dismiss this and can be heard later saying , “Oh, if I had only followed my intuition about this situation (or person).” Based on our premise, that you were born psychic – meaning with access to knowledge and information that did not come through your five senses – then those moments of intuition or psychic knowingness are not remarkable in their own right. They only stand out against a general daily life in which you normally are not in touch with this side of yourself and instead you are running on – and thinking with – other information and systems. In fact, we know from a pretty voluminous amount of research into psychic phenomenon by researchers associated with many leading universities and institutions, that psychic phenomena is NOT so unusual. Some people have an extraordinary amount of it. Others have inklings. Continuing with our premise, if you were born psychic what are the implications of this? That you must have some sort of yet unexplained receptors that allows you to read or detect subtle information fields. That those subtle information fields exist somewhere. That this must be an innate ability varying with different people. That this ability must be somewhat quashed or encouraged by the experiences in childhood, including the way you are nurtured and programmed by family, friends and community, because so many of us don’t retain much of it. That this ability is not something you created. That if it is innate and lying dormant in you, there may be ways to reclaim that ability by clearing away the programmed, reactive and emotional blocks to accessing it. That the blocks to it can be cleared given that some people become more intuitive and psychic as they age or train themselves differently. Enter now certain types of life coaches. Our job is to teach you to get the emotional and psychological blocks out of the way so that this deeper innerknowing element of yourself can come forward – and it is deeper and wiser than the word “psychic” implies. Some of us like myself also teach methods of more readily accessing your deeper knowingness, intuition and psychic reality. In fact, I have taken groups of people each of whom has proclaimed to have no psychic abilities whatever, and shown them with one simple exercise how much they actually know about a stranger in the room with them. Why remove the blocks and regain this aptitude? Because the “thinking” and chattering parts of your mind make so many mistakes. Also because by your believing this mind activity is you and by then giving it so much authority over your decisions, you block a remarkably different (and more success-inducing) way of knowing, understanding and moving through life. And if you want to know more about what I mean by that or how you got to be who you are now, check my Free Download lecture and earlier blogs. More: On Being Psychic and Intuitive
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On Being Psychic and Intuitive
Tagged ability, believing, decisions, download, experiences, intuition, jay levin, mind, premise, programmed
Here is a premise to ponder: That you were born psychic and intuitive – meaning you had extra-sensory radar that could move beyond time and space and report back with information you had not heard nor seen, tasted, smelled or touched. Every now and then you get glimmers of that psychic ability which you likely define as “intuition.” There is something you just “know” or feel. Many if not most times we dismiss this and can be heard later saying , “Oh, if I had only followed my intuition about this situation (or person).” Based on our premise, that you were born psychic – meaning with access to knowledge and information that did not come through your five senses – then those moments of intuition or psychic knowingness are not remarkable in their own right. They only stand out against a general daily life in which you normally are not in touch with this side of yourself and instead you are running on – and thinking with – other information and systems. In fact, we know from a pretty voluminous amount of research into psychic phenomenon by researchers associated with many leading universities and institutions, that psychic phenomena is NOT so unusual. Some people have an extraordinary amount of it. Others have inklings. Continuing with our premise, if you were born psychic what are the implications of this? That you must have some sort of yet unexplained receptors that allows you to read or detect subtle information fields. That those subtle information fields exist somewhere. That this must be an innate ability varying with different people. That this ability must be somewhat quashed or encouraged by the experiences in childhood, including the way you are nurtured and programmed by family, friends and community, because so many of us don’t retain much of it. That this ability is not something you created. That if it is innate and lying dormant in you, there may be ways to reclaim that ability by clearing away the programmed, reactive and emotional blocks to accessing it. That the blocks to it can be cleared given that some people become more intuitive and psychic as they age or train themselves differently. Enter now certain types of life coaches. Our job is to teach you to get the emotional and psychological blocks out of the way so that this deeper innerknowing element of yourself can come forward – and it is deeper and wiser than the word “psychic” implies. Some of us like myself also teach methods of more readily accessing your deeper knowingness, intuition and psychic reality. In fact, I have taken groups of people each of whom has proclaimed to have no psychic abilities whatever, and shown them with one simple exercise how much they actually know about a stranger in the room with them. Why remove the blocks and regain this aptitude? Because the “thinking” and chattering parts of your mind make so many mistakes. Also because by your believing this mind activity is you and by then giving it so much authority over your decisions, you block a remarkably different (and more success-inducing) way of knowing, understanding and moving through life. And if you want to know more about what I mean by that or how you got to be who you are now, check my Free Download lecture and earlier blogs. More: On Being Psychic and Intuitive
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On Being Psychic and Intuitive
Tagged ability, blocks, download, experiences, invalid, jay levin, life help, programmed, read-or-detect, TMZ
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Hello world!
Tagged appid, detected, edit-or-delete, help now, Hollywood, invalid, jay levin, levin life mastery, life help, life-coach, stars, then-start, your-first
•BELIEVE THAT YOU HAVE MESSED UP AND WANT TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE •THINK THE WORLD HAS MESSED YOU UP AND YOU WANT TO TRANSFORM THAT •NOT THINK EITHER BUT WANT TO REACH THE NEXT LEVEL OF THE POWER AND DELICIOUSNESS OF BEING HUMAN •WANT TO BE WISER, HUGELY MORE EFFECTIVE AND HAPPIER IF YOU HAVE ANY OF THESE GOALS, YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE Enjoy either personal private coaching or an amazingly effective MP3 audio course that by taking you from grade school to college grad in your life skills and wisdom can reinvigorate troubled areas of your life and ground you in tremendous personal growth. This is the real thing: an opportunity for a major life upgrade without a therapist – a wonderful, no-bull immersion in masterful emotional, mind and success tools, including in relationships, career and no-stress self nurturing. Visit Read the original here: Jay Levin – Levin Life Mastery – Master your Life
DO YOU WANT TO CREATE A PHENOMENAL RELATIONSHIP? For Great Success in Relationships You Need the Proven 21st Century Skills That You Can Learn From Jay’s Teachings FOR FREE CONSULTATION, WRITE TO PRIVATE@JAYLEVIN. COM Continued here: Personal Life Coaching
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Personal Life Coaching
Tagged appid, century-skills, couples coaching, Hollywood, invalid, jay levin, life, lifecoach, men and women, need-the-proven, personal-life, proven, stars, TMZ
By Jay Levin Every relationship has its springtime; then winter rolls around. Winter can come in a few days, a few weeks, or a few months but, with rare exception, it sure does come. This may seem to happen for a variety of reasons – everyone has a story about why a given relationship didn’t work out – and we tend to buy into these stories. There is, however, a bigger truth at work than these narratives. In reality, winter in relationships happens for one big reason: Very few people are trained in relationship skills. Worse, most of us deal with conflicts and tensions in relationships by relying on coping mechanisms and patterns learned in childhood and teenage years – and in most cases these patterns are actually disruptive of relationships, when not absolutely destructive of them. This is easily remedied by two things. One is professional Life and Couples coaching . The other is an absolute willingness on your part to become a student of effective relationship skills and of the healthy way to understand and approach relationship that a coach like myself will impart to you. It doesn’t matter the current stage or pattern of your relationships. You can be at the early dating stage, you can have experienced a lot of failed short term relationships or affairs, you can be with someone for months or years. What matters is this: If you want to have a great relationship that endures past the early romantic, sexual phase, you need to learn modern relationship skills in order to gain and keep real closeness to one another. This learning doesn’t come automatically– it can take tens of years of trial and error and ups and downs in relationships to figure it out – and that’s why Life and Couples coaching is booming. Why takes a trillion years to accomplish a state of partnership satisfaction when, given modern research and knowledge, you can learn your way into a great relationship in a few weeks to a few months, depending on how actively you apply yourself? First, you must learn an alternative to blaming your partner or yourself. You must be accountable for your actions and get out of “the blame game.” Blaming others doesn’t solve anything. Instead, it is important to understand why you and your partner feel and behave the way you do when challenges arise- and then learn how to resolve problems in a mature manner. Second, arguments and disagreements can actually be resolved after you have been taught some superb and easily-learned methods to deal with them. Simply learning the techniques for creating agreement and closeness provides so much confidence that it is much easier when a challenge arises for you not to go into reaction and to take a moment instead to think about the situation rather than say or do something that will make matters worse. Third, keeping agreements is still another core principle. Better to go back and renegotiate even the simplest agreement – “I will wash the dishes tonight” – than break trust. Fourth, open communications are essential to prevent each person wondering what’s happening with her or his partner – a gap most of us tend to fill with projections, worries and fantasies. While there is considerably more than these four principles to learn, a smart basic way to approach working with a Life and Couples coach is to start by accepting the real world truth – which is that most relationship difficulties, from the early dating stage on, are caused by the tension and misunderstanding created by two people who simply don’t know (because they haven’t yet been taught) how to make the other person feel safe EVEN while retaining their own autonomy. Life and Couples Coaching can teach you that and much more. It can take you way past resentments and tensions. It can help you and your partner get out of your own ways and each other’s way so that you are each relating from a place of authentic self and tremendous acceptance. It can, in fact, get you to an exquisite state of existence of a sort you may only have had hints of in your life. It does this by showing you what needs to be changed and how to make those needed changes almost painlessly. We all sometimes need good teachers and good guidance to take us past the “flaws” we think we and our partners have that show up in relationships. A skilled Life and Couples coach can be the ideal person to turn to in times of turmoil, because that’s how you can discover that such flaws almost always result only from everyone’s backwards original education in the most crucial of human experiences – in how we are to relate to each other. By contrast, a Life and Couples coach like myself can teach you truly effective, very neat and satisfying relating skills. For most people, the sooner you learn, the sooner your relationship and life can improve. *** Jay Levin is best known as the founder of the LA Weekly, of which he was editor-in-chief and president for many years before selling what he had grown to be the largest and most successful city weekly in the country. For the last dozen years, apart from his new media enterprises, Jay has been teaching life mastery and helping people successfully reorient their lives and heal their relationships without spending years in therapy or marriage counseling. Jay’s coaching and courses draw on his background first as a journalist in which, in order to write about them, he participated in scores of different human development trainings. Later he continued his education for its own sake, attending dozens of other workshops. His major non-journalistic professional education in human development has been via the Master’s degree program in spiritual psychology at the University of Santa Monica and the human development program from Pathwork Institute. For more info click here: View original post here: Relationship Seasons
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Relationship Seasons
Tagged easily-remedied, Education, Hollywood, jay levin, learning, life-coach, Partner, Relationships, Sex, sooner
By Jay Levin There are three internal elements of yourself that determine whether your life is satisfactory or not. One is how often – and to what degree – you either feel negative emotions or bottle up the ones you don’t know how to express safely. Because of lack of training in just exactly what to do with negative emotions, for many people a good day is one in which neither stress, anxiety, worry, anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, depression, grief or sheer numbness are dominant. In other words, for most people to feel really good most of the day and enjoy a great range of subtle pleasant emotions is the exception, not the rule. The general rule is: “Hey, it’s great when I feel some joy breaking in to my usual stress, unpleasantness, or bottled up numbness.” Elements two and three involve the mind. Element two is the mind chattering to you all the time, constantly trying to figure it all out and wondering whether this or that will work for you, or how this or that person is going to respond to you, and commenting on and concerning itself with everything. In most modern societies we develop this chatter in childhood as a response to needs of ours that otherwise are not being met – and most of us go to the grave with our minds chattering away and believing that this is the way of all humankind, not realizing how much such unnecessary and changeable “mentalizing” obscures our intuitive wisdom and knowingness while robbing us of peace of mind. Element three is the critical part of the mind that watches your own and everyone else’s every move and is perfectly happy to find fault with others as well as yourself. At its worst this inner voice of judgment robs us of self-confidence and self-esteem while doing real damage to our relationships and to friendships and family members- and often enough to our careers. The good news is there are absolutely superb tools available via which you can dramatically alleviate all three of these elements. There are skills and techniques you can learn that allow you to master your emotional body so that you can alter negative feelings almost immediately and heal the profoundest of traumas. Learn these skills and you don’t need a therapist. There are also skills by which you can gradually end the mind chatter and master the critic, so that your mind is free to perform in a remarkable manner you have rarely experienced. These are techniques developed over the last 40 years which have a solid scientific foundation and were simply not available to your ancestors, and probably not even to your parents. It is these and additional skills for dealing with other aspects of life – including finances, career, family and relationships – that a good Life Coach brings to the table. In fact, a healthy way to define a Life Coach is a teacher or tutor guiding you to a post-graduate level of doing life well, rather than the grade school or lower level many people are educated to. Another way to look at it is that the goal of Life Coaches like myself is to teach you to be so skilled in dealing with your challenges that you become your own life coach and therapist. Then, as you share your learning with friends and family, you become a source of helping other people’s lives improve. In short, it’s a big win all around. I’m happy to help you get started. *** For more info click here: Go here to read the rest: Stressed and Unhappy? Try Emotional and Mind Mastery
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Stressed and Unhappy? Try Emotional and Mind Mastery
By Jay Levin There are three internal elements of yourself that determine whether your life is satisfactory or not. One is how often – and to what degree – you either feel negative emotions or bottle up the ones you don’t know how to express safely. Because of lack of training in just exactly what to do with negative emotions, for many people a good day is one in which neither stress, anxiety, worry, anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, depression, grief or sheer numbness are dominant. In other words, for most people to feel really good most of the day and enjoy a great range of subtle pleasant emotions is the exception, not the rule. The general rule is: “Hey, it’s great when I feel some joy breaking in to my usual stress, unpleasantness, or bottled up numbness.” Elements two and three involve the mind. Element two is the mind chattering to you all the time, constantly trying to figure it all out and wondering whether this or that will work for you, or how this or that person is going to respond to you, and commenting on and concerning itself with everything. In most modern societies we develop this chatter in childhood as a response to needs of ours that otherwise are not being met – and most of us go to the grave with our minds chattering away and believing that this is the way of all humankind, not realizing how much such unnecessary and changeable “mentalizing” obscures our intuitive wisdom and knowingness while robbing us of peace of mind. Element three is the critical part of the mind that watches your own and everyone else’s every move and is perfectly happy to find fault with others as well as yourself. At its worst this inner voice of judgment robs us of self-confidence and self-esteem while doing real damage to our relationships and to friendships and family members- and often enough to our careers. The good news is there are absolutely superb tools available via which you can dramatically alleviate all three of these elements. There are skills and techniques you can learn that allow you to master your emotional body so that you can alter negative feelings almost immediately and heal the profoundest of traumas. Learn these skills and you don’t need a therapist. There are also skills by which you can gradually end the mind chatter and master the critic, so that your mind is free to perform in a remarkable manner you have rarely experienced. These are techniques developed over the last 40 years which have a solid scientific foundation and were simply not available to your ancestors, and probably not even to your parents. It is these and additional skills for dealing with other aspects of life – including finances, career, family and relationships – that a good Life Coach brings to the table. In fact, a healthy way to define a Life Coach is a teacher or tutor guiding you to a post-graduate level of doing life well, rather than the grade school or lower level many people are educated to. Another way to look at it is that the goal of Life Coaches like myself is to teach you to be so skilled in dealing with your challenges that you become your own life coach and therapist. Then, as you share your learning with friends and family, you become a source of helping other people’s lives improve. In short, it’s a big win all around. I’m happy to help you get started. *** For more info click here: Go here to read the rest: Stressed and Unhappy? Try Emotional and Mind Mastery
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Stressed and Unhappy? Try Emotional and Mind Mastery
Tagged celeb news, challenges, critic, Hollywood, jay levin, life help, trauma