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Megan Fox Talks About Her Shitty Movie Like We Give a Fuck of the Day

Megan Fox was part of some kind of Meet and Greet, which I guess is on the same level and Obama and McCain and their bullshit town hall meetings in random towns around America, you know in efforts to connect with her fans, have a little question and answer with her fans about such exciting things like her new movie and I really wish I was there to laugh at the shit as I am sure you wish you were there to masturbate under your trench coat, you weird motherfucker…. Thanks to Youtube, Here’s a video of the Meet and Greet……saying things like that the movie is better than we think it is and that it is “fuckin’ rad” and then she goes off on some whole other bullshit, shakes her tits like the whore that she was destined to be and the whole thing is funny….not that I watched the whole thing…because I’m just not that interested…and because I have a severe hatred for Diablo Cody….but it’s nice that I didn’t have to fly to LA to be a part of this joke. Thanks internet

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Megan Fox Talks About Her Shitty Movie Like We Give a Fuck of the Day