Tag Archives: jerk-off-water

Ken Jeong Photobombs Kate Upton in August 2011 of the Day

In Augusts 2011 , Ken Jeong brought his frat boy – Judd Apatow / The Hangover brand of accessible, easy to digest, even though dude is an actual doctor and probaly has the capacity to be funnier, but why bother in a world full of fucking retards, who think “dance drunk asian monkey in a speedo, dance”…is genius…..to a GQ Shoot featuring Kate Upton, you know to make a viral video out of it, because movie star comedians aren’t supposed to be funny in the background photobombing fat busty overrated models during photoshoots, which is what the comedic masterminds figured made of good comedy… Don’t get me wrong, I like photobombs almost as much as the next guy, and dudes pretending to jerk off water noodles, classic shit that will be written about by comedic theorists for decades to come, I just find it a little obvious. You see these people have huge fucking budgets, star power and most importantly tits, making things pretty fucking weak….but luckily…the world are retards…. All this to say, this video, shoot is 2 years old. I have no idea why it is circulating so many years later, but I can assume it has a little something to do with Hangover 3.

The rest is here:
Ken Jeong Photobombs Kate Upton in August 2011 of the Day