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Keep It In The Closet: The Jackson Family Feud Finally Comes To A Close In Court…So Who Took The Blame?

The Jackson Family Reaches A Resolution Earlier this year, this spun out of control at the Jackson family estate when tensions exploded regarding who should have control over the late Michael Jackson’s estate….and his children. The very public family feud went on for weeks, escalating when MJ’s daughter Paris allegedly got slappy happy with her auntie Janet and Katherine Jackson went into hiding. Now, months later, the family seems to have been able to come to a resolution. via THG No one in Michael Jackson’s family will be prosecuted over the infamous fight that went down in Jily at Katherine Jackson’s home, according to reports. MJ’s kids Prince and Paris Jackson got into it with the King of Pop’s sister and their aunt Janet Jackson, who was reportedly trying to snach Paris’ phone.  The younger Jackson then told Janet to get the eff out. Paris charged at Janet, who was restrained by Randy; a physical confrontation then erupted with Randy and Jermaine on one side, and Trent on the other. It all boiled down to the family’s beef with Michael’s estate. In the aftermath, Janet issued a statement on Michael’s will, while Jermaine offered an olive branch. In any case, law enforcement is taking no action. Because the family closed ranks and no one would speak to cops about the melee – none of them returned detectives’ frequent calls – there’s no evidence of anything. Glad they could work things out….at least for the time being.

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Keep It In The Closet: The Jackson Family Feud Finally Comes To A Close In Court…So Who Took The Blame?