Tag Archives: jibril-durimel

Girl Gets Dumped Via Text, DESTROYS Guy in Response, Posts on Blog

Quin Woodward Pu’s response to being dumped via text message illustrates why dumping someone via text message is probably never a good idea. If a guy texting his mistress to break up but actually sending the offending message to his wife wasn’t crazy enough for you, you’ve got to read this: Pu is the author two memoirs about becoming a writer, PR worker and girl-about-town in Washington, D.C. instead of attending medical school. As such, she has a personal blog … which she used to RUIN a guy she met in a bar, went on a few dates with and was soon dumped by over text. The text above is what Pu (pictured) got right before her birthday. She was turning 26, she writes on her blog. She’d been out with the guy twice. Pu, at first, was “stunned into paralysis” by the breakup text, and “had no words.” Then she decided to let the dude have it with this epic response: She then took to her blog to blast the infamous text and her reply. In it, she denies the idea that “as a 25 year old with two published books and a condo” she even wanted a relationship with this man in the first place. And, adding injury to indignity, she says she forwarded “taxpayer-funded sexts from your agency blackberry” to the government employee’s manager. Pu has received some negative feedback for bragging about her condo, but she tells HuffPost it’s symbolic of not needing a man (or “some rando”). “I wanted him to see that I am a self-sufficient person,” she says. “I did NOT have a sexual relationship with this person. I went on two dates. I call that getting to know someone. This is why the ‘dumping’ infuriated me so much.” Basically, she wasn’t upset about being broken up with, per se. Just that he was “presumptuous” enough to think she could be broken up with, via text to boot. But all is not lost for Pu, whose book sales are up by “1600 percent.” What do you think? Good for her? Total overreaction? Discuss!

Girl Gets Dumped Via Text, DESTROYS Guy in Response, Posts on Blog

O.J. Simpson: Caught Stealing Cookies From Prison Cafeteria!

For disgraced NFL great O.J. Simpson, that’s just how the cookie crumbles. When you get caught stealing them from the prison cafeteria, that is. The Juice was caught with not one, not two, but a dozen oatmeal cookies pilfered from the correctional facility he calls home, a new report says. O.J. Simpson Steals Cookies From Prison Simpson, who’s serving a 33-year sentence for armed robbery at Lovelock Correctional Center in Pershing County, Nev., ganked them after lunch. He may have gotten away with his unusually non-violent offense but for an inquisitive guard who noticed O.J. hiding something under his prison clothes. When the corrections officer questioned O.J., he allegedly confessed. For once. “O.J. just stood there with a goofy grin on his face as the guard kept digging inside his shirt and throwing the cookies on the floor,” a source reports. Simpson’s fellow inmates were reportedly on hand to witness guards bust him. “When the guard started physically pulling cookies out of O.J.’s shirt, the other inmates started laughing so hard they nearly fell over,” the insider said. One can only assume that’s true, as it’s really the only possible reaction. Simpson, 66, was arrested in 2007 for numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping, stemming from the armed theft of sports memorabilia. He claimed it was his own and he was taking it back. A jury was unmoved. Sentenced to 33 years, the Nevada Parole Board recently granted Juice parole on some of the charges , but ordered him held for the next four years. Still, means he could be out in under 10 of the 33. Not terrible for a murderer. This incident is not expected to impact his parole. O.J. was reportedly given a warning for the theft and instructed to keep his hand out of the cookie jar. If the prison breaks out the funfetti cookies next, that could be tough.

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O.J. Simpson: Caught Stealing Cookies From Prison Cafeteria!

Kanye West Continues Tirade Against Jimmy Kimmel, Labels Talk Show Host "Evil"

Is the Jimmy Kimmel-Kanye West feud real or fake? That’s for readers to decide. But one thing is certain: it’s ongoing! Following last night’s Twitter tirade against Kimmel , West took to the social media site again today and once again laid the written smackdown on the talk show host. Kanye West Slams Jimmy Kimmel Kanye wrote that the subtle message of the comedian’s parody of his BBC Radio interview this week was to “keep people in a box.” West then linked to a Slate article that called Kimmel’s skit “ignorant and stupid” and proceeded to recount the words of Jibril Durimel, a fashion and brand consultant. The rapper quotes Durimel as saying: “Finally someone speaks some inspirational and real words that haven’t been exposed in a while and [Jimmy Kimmel] comes out with this. “It’s simple, mediocre dreamers think this is humorous but all Kanye is pretty much saying in the interview is to dream to be the best… But then he’s made out to be ridiculous for wanting to be at an even higher level of self confidence.” In the Q&A, Kanye says he is the number-one rock star on the planet and also gives thanks for Kim Kardashian. Per Durimel once again, West Tweeted: “Jimmy K. is the EVIL guy trying to keep people in a box and not want more out of themselves. He does this by making fun of real dreamers.” Strong words, indeed. Makes us think this beef may be legitimate. If so, whose side are you on?   Team Kanye! Team Kimmel! View Poll »

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Kanye West Continues Tirade Against Jimmy Kimmel, Labels Talk Show Host "Evil"