Tag Archives: jigsaw-mystery

Alan Ruck on Persons Unknown, the Death of Multicam Comedies, and Missing John Hughes

In his 30 years as a showbiz mainstay, Alan Ruck has starred in movies and TV shows that have come to exemplify their times. The John Hughes movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off , in which Ruck played hooky accomplice Cameron Frye, remains a hallmark for rambunctious ’80s teen comedies, while Spin City , where Ruck played the quipping Stuart Bondek, typifies the multicamera sitcom streak of the ’90s. Now, his new NBC miniseries Persons Unknown encapsulates the DVD -friendly serializaed appeal of television today, complete with a jigsaw mystery that can please fans of Veronica Mars , Lost , and The Twilight Zone alike. Ruck phoned Movieline last week to discuss the curious production of Persons Unknown , his disappointment with current TV, and the legacy of John Hughes.

See original here:
Alan Ruck on Persons Unknown, the Death of Multicam Comedies, and Missing John Hughes