Tag Archives: jordan-carver

Jordan Carver Busts Out Big Time

Forget Mayweather and Pacquiao — turns out, there was another famous boxer in Las Vegas this weekend: German actress/model and total knockout Jordan Carver . Here she is showing off her big guns at something called the Manny Viewing Party, and I don’t know about you guys, but one look at Jordan’s giant German funbags pretty much knocked me right out. And I demand a rematch. How about next week? And then once a week for every week after that. Yow! Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Jordan Carver And Her Eighth Wonders Of The World

Here’s the eighth wonder of the world Jordan Carver and her massive German mounds at the special screening of ‘Muck’. I’ve never heard of this movie, but I have a feeling that it’s a horror flick with a bunch of no names. Anyway, I would have liked to have attended this event just so I could have been close to those things. Man, they’re incredible.               Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Emily Ratajkowski’s World-class Cleavage Show

As you probably remember (because I remind you pretty much every chance I get), I first introduced you degenerates to Emily Ratajkowski before she got naked for Robin Thicke and became an A-list model. Anyway, now she’s apparently a movie star too, and here she is at the premiere of Gone Girl in New York showing off her world-class cleavage. So there you have it ladies, an endorsement from the Tuna works after all. You don’t even have to date me first, but it’s still strongly recommended. Just think how big Emily could’ve been. » view all 16 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Emily Ratajkowski’s World-class Cleavage Show

Big Boob Catfight: Jordan Carver Vs. Melanie Mueller

Turns out the biggest fight this weekend wasn’t whichever dudes were rubbing up against each other for the UFC , it was between busty German celebs Jordan Carver and Melanie Mueller here. Here they are showing off their big guns at the weigh-in and you can watch the video of the two going at it below. I still say Jello wrestling would’ve been a way better idea, and more of a fair fight. Oh well. Maybe for the rematch. I’ll even supply the venue and kiddie pool. Photos: WENN.com

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Big Boob Catfight: Jordan Carver Vs. Melanie Mueller

Big Boob Catfight: Jordan Carver Vs. Melanie Mueller

Turns out the biggest fight this weekend wasn’t whichever dudes were rubbing up against each other for the UFC , it was between busty German celebs Jordan Carver and Melanie Mueller here. Here they are showing off their big guns at the weigh-in and you can watch the video of the two going at it below. I still say Jello wrestling would’ve been a way better idea, and more of a fair fight. Oh well. Maybe for the rematch. I’ll even supply the venue and kiddie pool. Photos: WENN.com

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Big Boob Catfight: Jordan Carver Vs. Melanie Mueller

Selena Gomez’s Car Cleavage

Look, I know not everybody has a solid 7-8 hours a day to dedicate to Instagram creeping research, but not to worry, I’ve got you guys covered. Because here’s something you definitely wouldn’t want to miss: Selena Gomez ‘s latest sexy selfie. See, it’s moments like this that make all those hours I could’ve spent napping instead worth it. You’re welcome, everyone.

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Selena Gomez’s Car Cleavage

Jordan Carver And Her Big Boobs Get In The Ring

It’s been a while since we’ve seen German model/actress Jordan Carver and those epic funbags of hers, but here she is getting nice and sweaty in promo shots for some upcoming Celebrity Boxing match with a German TV host, according to my sources. I’m not really sure why the promoters chose actual boxing over Jello wrestling, which seems like it’d be way more fun for everybody involved. But I do know that whoever Jordan’s up against is in serious trouble, considering just looking at these pictures almost knocked me right out. Yow. Photos: WENN.com

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Jordan Carver And Her Big Boobs Get In The Ring

Jordan Carver Brings Back Her Epic Cleavage!

It’s been too long since we saw Jordan Carver , but luckily she brought her epic cleavage out again recently for some Glamour Global launch party. She also apparently busted out for a good cause too, doing a Race for the Cure in LA. Is it too late to make a couple donations of my own? The thought of those things bouncing while Jordan runs has got me in a real giving mood. » view all 17 photos Related Articles: Jordan Carver’s Sexy Big Pillows Jordan Carver Big Breasts Gets Checked Out By Johnny Depp Keeley Hazell’s Sexy 2008 Calendar Keeley Hazell For The Finish Photos: WENN.com

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Jordan Carver Brings Back Her Epic Cleavage!

Miley Cyrus Drops A Little Boobage

I don’t really like posting pictures from Marie Claire magazine, it just seems like something I’d see next to my grandmother’s knitting pile, but every now and again the spice things up with some hot shots. Here’s Miley Cyrus dripping a little inside underboob in a sexy tight dress. She kind of looks like a mermaid that just washed up on shore. Some lucky fisherman just got the catch of the day. I’ve also got a video from the shoot. Enjoy.

Jordan Carver Big Breasts Gets Checked Out By Johnny Depp

Here’s Jordan Carver and her massively large breasts getting checked out in a bikini by none other than Johnny Depp. Alright so this isn’t actually Johnny Depp, it’s a look-alike for some movie called Who Killed Johnny which I’m sure is going to instantly be and Oscar front runner, but you get the idea. To be honest, I don’t really give two shiny turds what this is for, I just can’t keep my eyes of that tasty big front meat. Delicious.