Tag Archives: joshua duggar

Josh Duggar: SLAMMED For Filing "Ridiculous" Lawsuit

When you hear the words “Josh Duggar” and “court” together, it’s tempting to fantasize about an alternate reality in which the disgraced former reality star was actually held accountable for his sex crimes and imprisoned. The bad news is, that dream will never become a reality. The good news is, Arkansas court officials are currently raking Josh over the coals and reminding the world of what a horrendous person he really is. Josh is suing the Springdale Police Department , claiming that the decision to release documents about his past sexual assaults resulted in loss of income and “emotional distress.” In one way, we admire the department’s restraint in not simply beating the holy hell out of a molester who’s whining about the “emotional distress” he suffered after news of his crimes went public. In every other way, we wish they would do exactly that, because seriously — f-ck Josh Duggar. Fortunately, the Springdale police are issuing the legal equivalent of a beatdown by refusing to settle with Josh out of court (as he would no doubt prefer) and lambasting the father of five in savage court documents: “Josh Duggar notes that he has a ‘certain level of celebrity’ and that he engaged in public life,” reads one such filing. “Yet he claims that by appearing in a popular reality television series, being a leader in national, political, and civic organizations, and engaging in public speaking, he somehow was conducting himself in a manner consistent with an expectation of privacy.” Lawyers for the department go on to blast Josh as “absurd” and “ridiculous” for believing the documents related to his crimes should have been destroyed on his 21st birthday. The lawsuit is part of Josh’s current comeback tour , which fortunately is not going according to plan. The Duggars have been slowly reintroducing Josh to fans with the obvious goal of eventually bringing him back on television. Lawsuits designed to make Josh look like the victim are part of the plan, but thus far, none of them have gone in his favor. First, Josh sued In Touch Weekly for publishing the documents, and now he’s going after the police ho gave the tabloid access to his records. Dredging up his dark past in an effort to win back fans is a bizarre strategy, but being the sharpest crayon in the box is one thing Josh has never been accused of. View Slideshow: 19 Scandals & Counting: The Duggar Family’s Most Shameful Moments

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Josh Duggar: SLAMMED For Filing "Ridiculous" Lawsuit

Josh Duggar: SLAMMED For Filing "Ridiculous" Lawsuit

When you hear the words “Josh Duggar” and “court” together, it’s tempting to fantasize about an alternate reality in which the disgraced former reality star was actually held accountable for his sex crimes and imprisoned. The bad news is, that dream will never become a reality. The good news is, Arkansas court officials are currently raking Josh over the coals and reminding the world of what a horrendous person he really is. Josh is suing the Springdale Police Department , claiming that the decision to release documents about his past sexual assaults resulted in loss of income and “emotional distress.” In one way, we admire the department’s restraint in not simply beating the holy hell out of a molester who’s whining about the “emotional distress” he suffered after news of his crimes went public. In every other way, we wish they would do exactly that, because seriously — f-ck Josh Duggar. Fortunately, the Springdale police are issuing the legal equivalent of a beatdown by refusing to settle with Josh out of court (as he would no doubt prefer) and lambasting the father of five in savage court documents: “Josh Duggar notes that he has a ‘certain level of celebrity’ and that he engaged in public life,” reads one such filing. “Yet he claims that by appearing in a popular reality television series, being a leader in national, political, and civic organizations, and engaging in public speaking, he somehow was conducting himself in a manner consistent with an expectation of privacy.” Lawyers for the department go on to blast Josh as “absurd” and “ridiculous” for believing the documents related to his crimes should have been destroyed on his 21st birthday. The lawsuit is part of Josh’s current comeback tour , which fortunately is not going according to plan. The Duggars have been slowly reintroducing Josh to fans with the obvious goal of eventually bringing him back on television. Lawsuits designed to make Josh look like the victim are part of the plan, but thus far, none of them have gone in his favor. First, Josh sued In Touch Weekly for publishing the documents, and now he’s going after the police ho gave the tabloid access to his records. Dredging up his dark past in an effort to win back fans is a bizarre strategy, but being the sharpest crayon in the box is one thing Josh has never been accused of. View Slideshow: 19 Scandals & Counting: The Duggar Family’s Most Shameful Moments

Excerpt from:
Josh Duggar: SLAMMED For Filing "Ridiculous" Lawsuit

Josh Duggar: Danica Dillon Drops Lawsuit! Case Dismissed!

After months of scandals and public embarrassments, Josh Duggar finally received a bit of good news today. TMZ is reporting that former adult film star Danica Dillon has dropped her lawsuit against Duggar  and has vowed to never press further charges. Dillon was suing Duggar for $500,000 for sexual assault, claiming that he manhandled and verbally abused her during two paid sexual encounters that took place last year. Dillon alleged that Duggar was so brutal in his treatment of her that she’s been left with permanent injuries and emotional trauma. Even though the case only reached the pre-trial hearing stage, there was serious some legal bickering involved, as Dillon stuck to her story, while Duggar claimed the two of them had never even met. As recently as last week, it looked as though Duggar was planning to settle with Dillon in order to bring the case to a close.  Then, in an interesting turn of events, lawyers for Josh announced that they would not allow Dillon to drop her case  unless she retracted her allegations, issued a public apology, and agreed to never refile. View Slideshow: Danica Dillon: Josh Duggar Plaything Revealed! It appears that a compromise was reached, as the public apology and retraction do not appear to be forthcoming. No one is quite sure what caused Dillon to drop her case, but one of the terms of the agreement is that Josh will not file documents which both sides admit prove that Dillon lied about her encounter with Josh. In all likelihood, Danica was caught fabricating part of her story, and her lawyers reached an agreement that would allow her to avoid a countersuit or criminal charges. Naturally, Josh still has a long, long way to go if he hopes to rebuild his reputation with the Duggar faithful, but his victory today certainly amounts to a small step in the right direction. View Slideshow: Josh Duggar Sex Scandal Timeline: How His Family’s Empire Crumbled

Original post:
Josh Duggar: Danica Dillon Drops Lawsuit! Case Dismissed!

Danica Dillon to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: You Created That SEX MONSTER JOSH!

Danica Dillon, the porn star suing Josh Duggar, says Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are to blame for creating a sexual deviant monster. Josh’s downfall from the golden child – the first of Michelle and Jim Bob’s 19 Kids & Counting – to a pariah has been swift and dramatic. Molesting underage girls including his sisters, cheating on his wife, being addicted to porn, and being sued for giving a porn star PTSD? Quite the resume he compiled last year. To hear Danica Dillon tell it, this all comes from how he was raised and Michelle and Jim Bob are at fault for letting him off the hook. Oh yes. To her, the issue is upbringing. “Josh got away with molesting five girls without really getting the help he needed because of his parents’ cover-up,” she says. “He has obviously gotten so used to people protecting him and lying for him that he feels he should be able to get away with [anything].” By insisting on dealing with things “in house” and failing to get him the counseling he obviously needed, Danica says it’s all their fault . She even takes it a step further. Theorizing that if Duggar had received treatment from professionals and stuck with it, she would not have been assaulted, as she alleges. View Slideshow: Danica Dillon: Josh Duggar Plaything Revealed! Jim Bob and Michelle [Duggar] created a monster. If Josh had received [help then], maybe his attack on me never would have happened.” For what it’s worth, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s marriage is in crisis , reportedly, over Josh, his bizarre behavior and the epic fallout. Danica is currently suing Josh for $500,000, claiming that Duggar has caused her myriad difficulties, ranging from PTSD to lost wages. Moreover, Dillon wants to have details on Josh’s sexual history publicized by getting a subpoena from psychologists, among others. Might such material corroborate her claims of Duggar’s disgusting sexual antics that were recently revealed in court documents?  Josh’s parents, alleges Danica, “made sure that no one would ever see [the reports of Josh’s past behavior from therapists].” “People will see the pain these young girls suffered at Josh’s hands,” Danica says, if the full details of Josh’s past are revealed. It should be noted that Josh insists he never even met her  despite her repeated claims, and statements that observers saw the couple.  Some reports have hinted at a settlement on the horizon, but so far, the respective legal teams have traded barbs with no end in sight. View Slideshow: 21 Controversial Duggar Family Quotes

Read the original post:
Danica Dillon to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar: You Created That SEX MONSTER JOSH!

Lena Dunham vs. Josh Duggar: Are They Both Pedophiles?

Most of the Internet reacted swiftly and negatively to the interview Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar gave Megyn Kelly on Wednesday night. But not Sarah Palin. Not in the way most people responded, at least, as the former Vice Presidential candidate dragged Lena Dunham into the Josh Duggar controversy by wondering why the media is so fast to castigate Duggar… … yet gave Dunham a pass for what Palin deems to be comparable behavior.  In Dunham’s memoir, she writes about looking into her sister’s vagina when Lena was seven and her sibling was one. She also writes about bribing her young sister with candy back in the day to snuggle with her and kiss her and admits to masturbating in a bed she shared with her sister. “The media’s hell-bent mission to go after the entire Duggar family for one member’s wrongdoing, while giving a total pass to perverted actions of someone like Lena Dunham,” Palin wrote on Facebook this week. Do you agree? Dunham satisfied her sexual curiosity as a child by looking at her sister’s private parts and sharing a few intimate moments with her sibling. Josh Duggar has admitted to inappropriately touching five young girls when he was 14 and 15 years of age; two of those victims were his sisters, Jessa and Jill Duggar . Is one action worse than the other? Are they the same? Should critics be looking at Dunham the same they look at Duggar? View Slideshow: 21 Controversial Duggar Family Quotes Back in November, Dunham responded to those who claim she molested her sister by labeling the allegation “really f-cking upsetting and disgusting,” adding: “Usually this is stuff I can ignore but don’t demean sufferers, don’t twist words. I told a story about being a weird seven year old. I bet you have some too.” Jim Bob Duggar, meanwhile, says technically his son is not a pedophile because he was not 16 years old when his heinous acts took place. So now it’s your turn to weigh in, THGers: You know the facts on both sides. You know the opinions.  Compare the situations of Lena Dunham and Josh Duggar and decide: Who’s worse? View Slideshow: 29 WTF Quotes From Lena Dunham’s New Book

Continued here:
Lena Dunham vs. Josh Duggar: Are They Both Pedophiles?

911 Call — The Duggars Save a Life

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made by Joshua Duggar — one of Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar’s 19 kids — when Josh and his brother John rescued a 6-year-old girl who was injured in a car crash last week.It all went down in Arkansas last Thursday, when … Permalink

See the rest here:
911 Call — The Duggars Save a Life

Duggar Boys Save Little Girl’s Life

Filed under: Nurse! If Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar didn’t have 19 kids, then two of them might not have been around to help save a six-year-old girl’s life last week in Arkansas.According to KHBS News, Joshua and John Duggar pulled the girl out of her car after a crash … Permalink

Go here to read the rest:
Duggar Boys Save Little Girl’s Life