Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder earlier this week, but was sentenced to a year in prison today for making false statements to investigators. Her lies to police during the investigation of the death of her daughter Caylee came early and often following the toddler’s 2008 disappearance. The Casey Anthony jurors believed that, despite her lies about what happened to Caylee, there wasn’t sufficient evidence that she killed her daughter. However, Anthony was convicted of fours separate counts of lying to authorities – fabrications that sparked a massive manhunt for her missing child. Casey Anthony was also hit with $4,000 in fines. The charges each carried a maximum of a year in prison, and Judge Belvin Perry gave her four years . However, she’s already served most of that. In custody since 2008, Casey may be released from jail in late July or early August based on time served and good behavior while incarcerated. The exact date of her release is still TBD. Anthony’s defense argued that the four misdemeanors occurred during one day of questioning and therefore should be counted as a single crime. To punish her on four counts would violate double jeopardy rules, the defense said, but Perry was unmoved and Casey was jailed – for now. “As a result of those four distinct lies, law enforcement expended time, energy and manpower looking for young Caylee Marie Anthony,” he said. Nevertheless, while she’ll be working on her new advice book from a cell for the time being, it won’t be long until the 25-year-old walks free. [Photo:]
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Casey Anthony Sentenced to Four Years in Prison, May Be a Free Woman Soon