Tag Archives: kath and kim

Joss Whedon Describes His Bleeding Heart, Jolie-Esque Wonder Woman Script

When Joss Whedon first dropped Angelina Jolie ‘s name while talking up his doomed Wonder Woman project, folks assumed he’d envisioned her in the lead role. Speaking with Rookie Magazine, he clarified: His Diana Prince, Amazon goddess, was merely Angelina-esque in her globe-trotting humanitarian leanings. And in a way, the superheroine would have been saved by love. Whedon explains after the jump.

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Joss Whedon Describes His Bleeding Heart, Jolie-Esque Wonder Woman Script

We Are Not Cool Enough for an Absolutely Fabulous Movie

Jennifer Saunders will begin scripting a feature version of her classic BBC series Absolutely Fabulous sometime next year, after she finishes work on the Spice Girls stage musical Viva Forever in London. Deadline reports that Ab Fab: The Movie will open with “Patsy and Edina waking up hungover in the empty drifting yacht of an oligarch in the middle of the ocean. Even worse, their cellphones can’t get a signal.” I’m torn — I want to be excited that the movie’s happening, but I can’t shake the paralyzing sadness of Ab Fab ‘s most recently aborted revival.

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We Are Not Cool Enough for an Absolutely Fabulous Movie