Tag Archives: keep-sending

Lily Donaldson Is Launching Things!

I have the memory of a goldfish, so I totally forgot where I know this Lily Donaldson hottie from, but I’m going to go ahead and assume that the leggy blonde is a hot model, and not a member of my mom’s bridge club. Anyway, according to my sources, the sexy Brit showed up for something called The Ocean Campaign launch gala, and that’s not the only thing Lily’s launching here, if you catch my drift. I’m talking about the Little Tuna, just to be clear. And hey, it even fits with the whole ocean theme. That was unintentional, I promise. I’m not that clever.                 Photos: WENN.com

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Lily Donaldson Is Launching Things!

Sarah Stephens Lingerie Pictures Are Awesome

So unfortunately, I still haven’t been able to convince Sarah Stephens that dating a blogger could do wonders for her career, but on the brightside (for you guys, at least), the seriously underrated Aussie hottie delivered another impossibly hot photoshoot for Agent Provocateur. And I think after this latest one, Sarah might just be my favorite model the company’s ever had. And no, I’m not just saying that to try to convince her to sleep with me. I’m also saying it because I want these two to keep sending us more shoots like this. » view all 41 photos          

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Sarah Stephens Lingerie Pictures Are Awesome

Lingerie Fashion Week Pictures

I’m a little pissed off that I was once again not invited to “ Lingerie Fashion Week “. I’ve been doing this site for 8 years now, you’d think I’d get some respect. From now on, I will ban posting any company that does not invite me and pay for my expenses to be at their show. Except for Victoria’s Secret because then the site would never be updated. Anyway, PR people who keep sending me crap to my email, you’ve been warned!