Tag Archives: keep-the-jobs

Alyssa Campanella Miss USA 2011 Showing Nipple of the Day

Alyssa Campanella was Miss USA 2011, I’ve never heard of her because Pageants annoy me, even though I appreciate the comedy of the whole thing, you know the process a girl must go through to get into this world, what kind of girl looks into the mirror and says to herself “I am going to be Miss America”….but it happened to this chick….and since that glorious day, she has decided to post some pics of herself in some photoshoot, showing half a nipple, but more interestingly, her natural red hair, reminding me, and maybe even mocking me about the fact that I’ve never banged a redhead, but have always wanted to…I mean have always wanted to the last couple of years, when I had a chance back in High School I was scared of them….But I remember – dreams do come true sometimes….that brings me hope to carry on.

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Alyssa Campanella Miss USA 2011 Showing Nipple of the Day

Kristina Shannon Lesbian Kiss For Attention of the Day

Kristina Shannon and Ida Ljungqvist are pulling exactly the kind of stunts you would expect from girls of their caliber, you know the kind of bitches who rely heavily on being in Playboy and are trying to keep the jobs coming in…it was that or a SEX TAPE LIKE HER TWIN SISTER, BUT I GUESS THEY REALIZED THAT THAT HUSTLE FAILED HARD AND ONCE YOU GO PORN YOU CAN’T REALLY TAKE IT BACK ….but lesbianism, that shit is flexible and forgiving….I mean kinda like living out twin fantasies so well cuz that’s what their trailer park dad used to make them do….only that was already tapped out…so doing what so many college girls have drunkenly pulled this for male attention before them…is almost fucking textbook solution…especially for a low level Playboy twat 6 years after being in Playboy….and I am kinda into it…even if I like her BLACK LOVING TWIN SISTER BETTER … To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Kristina Shannon Lesbian Kiss For Attention of the Day