Tag Archives: keeping-some

A Starry-Eyed Nick Cannon Explores Why “Real Is Rare” In Love Docu-Short [Video]

Nick Cannon Discusses Love In Docu-Short Serial monogamous or gigolo? However you perceive the personal life of Nick Cannon, we all know he goes hard when it comes to keeping some fine women company . You can see the twinkle in Nick’s eye as he explores the magic love moments between several couples in this docu-short. The project is a collaboration between Nick Cannon and The Diamond Producers Association to ‘unlock the magic and mystery behind that question in “Why Real is Rare.”’ Nick has publicly stated he would never jump the broom again after divorcing Mariah Carey, do you think he’s just faking? Look at that lust in his eyes! Youtube

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A Starry-Eyed Nick Cannon Explores Why “Real Is Rare” In Love Docu-Short [Video]

End of Line: My Love/Hate Relationship with Tron

I have a really strange relationship with Tron . I’ve always been quite fascinated with Disney’s 1982 video-game action-adventure — owning three different home-video versions of the film, keeping some of the original toys, concluding letters to my grandparents with the phrase “END OF LINE ” and, for the better part of the last three years, wallpapering my iPhone screen with its movie poster… All of which I guess is only interesting insofar as it’s such an awful movie. With the release of Tron: Legacy this weekend, however, revisionist historians are having an Internet field day with their outpourings of love for the original film. Where have these people been the last 28 years?

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End of Line: My Love/Hate Relationship with Tron