Tag Archives: keeping-women

Eco Chef iPhone App for 10-Minute Raw Organic "Junk" Food (Video)

Image via EcoChef When we think of raw organic foods, we usually thing of highly healthful meals. But chef Bryan Au has a new iPhone app that shows how to make favorite “junk” foods in under 10 minutes. From pizza to lasagna, from burgers to desserts, raw organic is suddenly an easy way to make things other than salads and dips. Well, things that at least seem like meals other than salads and dips. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Eco Chef iPhone App for 10-Minute Raw Organic "Junk" Food (Video)

Fight Obesity With 10 Miles of Cycle Tracks Per State

Photo Tobyotter via flickr. Harvard’s Anne Lusk is a Department of Nutrition researcher extremely interested in the ways bicycles can help our overweight society. Her most recent publication documents research she and colleagues did using data from the famous Nurses Health Study II and compared biking and fast walking and their surprising role in keeping women slimmer..for just a few minutes of exercise each day. “Adult obesity rates increased in 28 s… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Fight Obesity With 10 Miles of Cycle Tracks Per State