Tag Archives: kept-as-far

Taylor Swift Takes on LA and Old People Showed Up of the Day

Taylor Swift is a cult leader, who has managed to brain wash girls everywhere into thinking she’s some empowered woman taking control of her own heart after constantly being mistreated by dudes she probably never dated but just fucked in her quest to find the perfect dick, since everything in her life is perfect, that’s how she has it set up… In being a cult leader, other girls want to associate with her and her broken heart ministry, by standing by her side and entertaining her, because she’s evil leader…. I guess the LA show brought out girls who want to join the Taylor Swift circle, despite being too old for Taylor Swift.. Including but not limited to: Salma Hayek and Mary J Blige / Oprah were There Maria Menounos…and Nina Dobrev #taylorswift w/ @valeriefatehi and @ninadobrev A video posted by maria menounos (@mariamenounos) on Aug 22, 2015 at 10:18pm PDT Hilary Duff in Not Very Period Friendly Pants TO SEE THE CONCERT PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE OLD PEOPLE SHOWING UP TO THE CONCERT CLICK HERE The post Taylor Swift Takes on LA and Old People Showed Up of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Taylor Swift Takes on LA and Old People Showed Up of the Day

Emma Roberts Getting Paid Lots of Money to be in “Lingerie” Campaign of the Day

My favorite thing about Emma Roberts…is that she’s not Julia Roberts… My second favorite thing about Emma Roberts…is that her dad is Eric Roberts…and her formative years were spent probably kept as far away from him on his self destructive, drug and alcohol tirade after he won an Acaedmy AWard…before becoming the number one B-Movie actor…ever… No maybe that’s my favorite thing about Emma Robers…because girls with fucked up childhoods thanks to their dads, especially rich girls with fucked up Childhoods thanks to their dads…carry that shit thought life…and like fat girls…that directly correlates to blow job ability.. I’m not a scientist, or a religious man, but I believe the answer to everything is Daddy isses… Here she is unretouched but lit and made up by a team of pros for a lingerie company… The post Emma Roberts Getting Paid Lots of Money to be in “Lingerie” Campaign of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emma Roberts Getting Paid Lots of Money to be in “Lingerie” Campaign of the Day