Tag Archives: kid richards

Selena Gomez Does Instagram of the Day

I have no idea why I am posting a Selena Gomez instagram round-up, like I fucking care about Selena Gomez, her LUPUS or the fact that she had Justin Bieber inside her when he was underage, like some kind of sex offender… I mean, I am totally, one hundred percent confident in the fact that I don’t give a fuck about her or her probably breast implants…yet here I am….uploading pics of her like she matters to me…or really to anyone… I just hope at least one of you is capable of jerking off to these pics…but I mean if you are…you’re probably already her fan…and you probably already have seen these since you follow her on instagram…unless you only like your instagram pics set to useless banter by a drunken asshole who didn’t get a blowjob last night even though he should have…becuase that’s what is supposed to happen when you’re in cocaine fueled 3 am dance parties in random crackhouses with a girl with great tits.. All this to say….here’s her instagram bullshit…that should be a sex tape…but proven everyday of my life…you can’t always get what you want.

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Selena Gomez Does Instagram of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Holiday Ad of the Day

The last thing I want to do in life is promote Victoria’s Secret. They are a billion dollar company, they aren’t paying me to promote their shit, they are just luring me in with tall model babes half naked in a Holiday ad, and I’m using it as masturbation fodder as they intended, and I hate being this weak…and giving into such a basic scam that has make many people rich…especially considering they haven’t evolved, their styling is shit, and bores me, and they have this potentially nude models, not nude, as to not offend their Christian audience…you know following dated bullshit regulations…opening the door up for a better version of Victoria’s Secret…that’s actually cool, racy, fun and sexy, but until then..here’s their commercial…which is like their infomercial fashion show…totally for the sake of selling product…using amazing girls…the best/worst ever.

Victoria’s Secret Holiday Ad of the Day

Kid Richards Exclusive of the DAy

KID RICHARDS is what I like to call a genius film photographer from Portugal who is taking pretty interesting pictures of naked girls lit by weirdo fluorescent lights…that I think are amazing….but I could just be saying that because she is naked and I get sucked into things when they are naked…. The model is named Mariana. She’s pretty fantastic…but I could just be saying that because she is naked and I get sucked into things..when they are naked…but never the naked things I want to get sucked into, historically, all naked things I’ve been sucked into have been disgusting and I can’t escape.

See the article here:
Kid Richards Exclusive of the DAy

Some Babes for Kid Richards of the Day

My friend and great film photographer out of Portugal KID RICHARDS sent in these pics the other day and I don’t necessarily know what is going on in them… I am not sure if they are erotic or something you can jerk off to, and I know you’re looking for something to jerk off to, but I figure you’re so well trained at jerking off and nothing really does it for you – that you could probably sexualize a kitchen table if you looked at it from the right angle…you all that porn you’re into is just so boring – and you gotta take steps to find things you like instead of becoming a rapist… I just figure nice images of a nice girl…are worth looking at…and here they are…

Read the rest here:
Some Babes for Kid Richards of the Day