Tag Archives: kids-the-hooker

Kendall Jenner Wrote a Book of the Day

#495484843 / gettyimages.com The biggest joke in these pics is that the Jenner sister, Junior Kim even though she’s not tainted by Armenian or OJ Simpson Genes like the other kids the hooker mother produced and monetized, is that she’s promoting a book that she claims to have wrote… I mean we’re talking an actual fucking book deal that she’s figure heading, whether wearing a Blazer with no bra like this was a 90s fashion shoot or not… I don’t hate her her for being a slut from the Valley who learned how to fuck watching her sister fuck…and had been fucking since she was 12….and I don’t hate the industry for using them to sell books when the state of publishing books is in a weird dying industry since people don’t read anymore….I think the whole thing is great…ridiculous…and the fall of society…but great none the less. #495477139 / gettyimages.com #495484841 / gettyimages.com #495477147 / gettyimages.com To See the Rest CLICK HERE

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Kendall Jenner Wrote a Book of the Day