Link:… Watch the unadultered lives of wild squirrels hanging out a squirrel diner. They wear goofy glasses, they get political, and they even start a band
Follow this link:
Squirrel Webcam
Link:… Watch the unadultered lives of wild squirrels hanging out a squirrel diner. They wear goofy glasses, they get political, and they even start a band
Follow this link:
Squirrel Webcam
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged caught, even-start, hanging-out, kimmel-points, Naked, Pictures, squirrel-gets, unadultered, watch-the-video, wild-squirrels
Judging from these pictures, it looks like Brendan Fraser is preg. Congrats!! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged brendan-fraser, congrats, frumpy-mom, kimmel-points, Naked, Pictures, production, reportedly, shifters, Twitter
STYLE BUZZ : Obama's frumpy mom jeans are now officially a national news story.
Read the original here:
Obama’s Mom Jeans
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged dance-needs, frumpy-mom, girly, kimmel-points, mediterranean, Naked, naked-dude, national-news, production, reportedly, style, Twitter