Tag Archives: kinda-encourage

Candice Swanepoel’s Instagram Upsets Me of the Day

I mean this is just asshole behavior on Candice Swanepoel’s part…she’s covering up the goods on both her and a massive picture of herself that I assume she carries around with herself everywhere she goes…cuz models are paid to look good and in that are really self conscious cunts about the whole thing….often times vain when they look at their bank accounts and when the photographers constantly give them attention while shooting them….for the fans to give them attention too… It’s like come on girl…how many Candice Swanepoel nipples can be covered up in one single picture before I hate you…. Apparently 2 on the low end, 4 on the high end….. But I can’t actually hate you, that would get in the way of my loving you…. Here are some of her instagram pics…

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Candice Swanepoel’s Instagram Upsets Me of the Day

Jessica Alba’s Panty Flash of the Day

I don’t know what is more offensive…the fact that she’s hanging with an Asian….dressed like an Asian…in what seems like she’s mockin’ and Asian….like a fat rich American Tourist in Japan dressed like a Gesiha girl….screaming at the locals for sushi….you know just inappropriate and not sensitive to other culture…..or the fact that she’s wearing underwear…. I remember a time when people would have died for this….but now that she’s a mom of two…it is suddenly far less interesting….in fact we kinda encourage her to keep the tights and panties on…because we don’t really want her mom pussy to throw off our impression of her… But I really wanna see it….

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Jessica Alba’s Panty Flash of the Day