Tag Archives: kinda-naked

Joy Bryant Bikini Pictures of the Day

Her name is Joy Bryant. She’s on a show called Parenthood, and apparently she’s also on a website called DrunkenStepfather.com, this is like a huge career movie, and it’s all thanks to wearing a bikini…. She’s probably got the flattest ass a black girl’s ever had, but that’s all part of being a black in Hollywood, you know not really black, cuz producers and directors are all racist…I mean shit, have you ever heard Precious or Halle Berry talk, it’s like bitches are rich private school girls only concerned with their next designer clothes, or whether their moms gonna by them a white BMW or a Black one for their 16 birthday, or in Precious’ case how soon her next feeding is cuz she’s already fucking hungry…. You get what I’m saying. This is white man black woman….but she’s in a bikini and she’s skinny, so I’m digging it… TO See The Rest of the Pics Follow THis Link

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Joy Bryant Bikini Pictures of the Day

Wesley Sneijder’s Wife’s Loving the Attention of the Day

Her name is Yolanthe Cabau van Kasbergen, and besides having the most obnoxiously long name in the history of names, she’s also a Soccer wife, only instead of just being a knocked up groupie, she’s one of those ambitious soccer wives who wants to use her soccer star husband and a platform to launch an obnoxiously bad career as an actor, or singer or anything that she’s probably not qualified for, but luckily he has money and connections that can help her…. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bitch so excited to have the paparazzi snap off shots of her, it’s like she’s got an adrenaline rush, and this is where sex tapes come from….she’s got a taste and now she wants more…I can see it in her eyes…and dude doesn’t give a shit, he’s just in it for the tits…

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Wesley Sneijder’s Wife’s Loving the Attention of the Day

Nicole Trunfio Nipple Taped for Fashion of the Day

I am a recent fan of Nicole Trunfio…I posted topless pics of her the other day and I just respect her willingness to get naked for fashion…or to get ahead career wise, cuz she’s got amazing tits….so here she is kinda naked for fashion again….The world needs more heros like this…I mean this is what memorial day should be about.

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Nicole Trunfio Nipple Taped for Fashion of the Day