Tag Archives: knees-looked

Dylan Penn is the Celebrity of the Day

Her name is Dylan Penn. She’s a “model”….which is code for celebrity kid cute enough to get paid to be in photoshoots because people like their last names, and what the hell else are they going to do with their access, seeing as going to school, or actually helping the world…is just way less fun.. She’s 24, so unlike the other celebrity daughters trying to make it as instagram models by leveraging the family name…she’s old enough to jerk off to…and that should be exciting enough for at least one Sean Penn fan who though he was a woman in Fasttimes at Ridgemont High…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Dylan Penn is the Celebrity of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dylan Penn is the Celebrity of the Day

Elisabetta Canalis Pregnant Bikini of the Day

If, like Elisabetta Canalis, your hopes and dreams were to one day become the host body for George Clooney’s baby, because it is good for business and finances….and it doesn’t work out for you, because Clooney is gay and had a schedule for each beard he had over the years, and fame whore immigrants only have a small window of opportunity before immigration starts looking for Green Cards…the perfect excuse to break up… There is hope for you…even if you got so close to not just see the golden sperm…but even tried to impregnate yourself with the golden sperm…only for it to not stick… There are other rich dudes, who are less careful with their sperm, because they aren’t queer actors.. Here she is either fat, or pregnant, in bikini… The post Elisabetta Canalis Pregnant Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elisabetta Canalis Pregnant Bikini of the Day

Ashley Benson Weird Legs Mini Skirt of the Day

I’ve been seeing a lot of pictures of girls who aren’t in very good shape, like Ashley Benson, who should be in good shape, because she’s on TV, a Hollywood Star, I mean her show is one of the biggest fucking shows on TV, and I guess she can’t be bothered with trainers and nutritionists, fuck it, people her like her the way she is…belly and big tits, and her knees looked kink in…and for some reason, all I want to do is lick her inner thigh….up to her special place…because cankly bitches are my porn… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ashley Benson Weird Legs Mini Skirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Originally posted here:
Ashley Benson Weird Legs Mini Skirt of the Day