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*Sigh* R.I.P. Former Atlanta Falcons Baller Keion Carpenter Dead At Age 39 After Freak Accident

Former NFL Player Keion Carpenter Dies After Falling Into A Coma Ultimately, the ones who grieve the most when someone passes are said person’s family and friends. That said, we sure are pained to have to report yet another death of a public figure. Ex-Atlanta Falcon Keion Carpenter has died at the age of 39 in a Miami hospital after collapsing and hitting his head while playing with his son according to the Baltimore Sun . Carpenter’s cousin, Jamila Smith, recounts the incident that lead to his untimely demise: “They were running to the car when (Carpenter) slipped, fell, hit his head and slipped into a coma. It was just a freak accident,” she said. “He was always healthy; he went to the doctor, ate well and worked out.” Keion was a beloved native son of Baltimore, Maryland and the city’s mayor, Catherine Pugh, released a statement about his passing: “[He] won our hearts as a beloved community champion with an uncompromising will to reclaim neglected neighborhoods and improve the lives of the underprivileged.” “Keion knew the power of his platform, and used his opportunity and talents to not only inspire, but transform the lives of thousands of children and families,” Prayers up for Keion Carpenter’s immediate family, football family, friends, and those in Baltimore who’s lives he touched. Sad, sad, sad. Image via Twitter

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*Sigh* R.I.P. Former Atlanta Falcons Baller Keion Carpenter Dead At Age 39 After Freak Accident