Yes, Bobbi Kristina Brown is engaged to Nick Gordon . And based on the following promo for The Houstons: On Our Own – the Lifetime reality series that premieres October 24 and isn’t at all exploiting the death of Whitney Houston for ratings – her family is anything but happy over that news. The 19-year old and the fiance who she got to know when her mother essentially adopted him as her son many years ago are at the center of this trailer, which paints the Houstons as on par with the Kardashians . Hard to believe Whitney is looking down in approval of this nonsense. Watch for yourself: The Houstons: On Our Own Promo
A pro-life, family-values congressman, Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee is also a doctor. Who had an affair with a patient and pressured her to get an abortion. According to the Huffington Post, DesJarlais was trying to save his marriage at the time, according to his remarks on the call, made in September of 2000. According to independent sources familiar with the call, he made the tape himself. DesJarlais, who was provided a copy of the transcript by HuffPost, did not deny its contents, but in a statement through his campaign, railed against the opposition. “Desperate personal attacks do not solve our nation’s problems, yet it appears my opponents are choosing to once again engage in the same gutter politics,” he said. DesJarlais’ divorce from Susan DesJarlais, which was finalized in 2001, included allegations that he held a gun in his own mouth for hours in one instance. He also “dry fired” a gun outside his wife’s bedroom in another, allegedly. DesJarlais’ campaign vigorously denied those charges in his 2010 race against Democratic Rep. Lincoln Davis, saying they were hauled out of history for political purpose. But the new transcript paints a more damning picture of him as a philanderer willing to push one of his lovers – whom he met as a patient with a foot problem – to terminate a pregnancy. Even when he suspected he was the father. “You told me you’d have an abortion, and now we’re getting too far along without one,” DesJarlais tells the woman at one point in the call while negotiating with her. They then discuss whether he will accompany her to a procedure to end the sort of life the congressman now describes as “sacred.” “You told me you would have time to go with me and everything,” the woman complains. “I said, if I could, I would, didn’t I? And I will try,” DesJarlais says. “If I can [find] time, you’re saying you still will?” “Yeah,” the woman answers. The two bicker over when they can meet to hash out a solution, and they make clear the nature of their relationship when DesJarlais says delaying a resolution isn’t fair to his wife. Continue reading the full transcript at The Huffington Post …
Elizabeth Escalona, a mother who admitted to beating her 2-year-old daughter and gluing the child’s hands faces severe punishment for that mistreatment. Police say Escalona lost her temper with young Jocelyn Cedillo over potty training issues. That’s putting it mildly. Escalona allegedly beat and kicked Jocelyn before sticking her hands to the wall using an adhesive commonly known as Super Glue. The child was hospitalized for days. Escalona pleaded for leniency this week, saying she was no longer that “monster.” “I will never forgive myself for what I did to my own daughter,” she said. Having pleaded guilty in July to felony injury to a child, Escalona could face mere probation or many, many years in prison based on the offense. Judge Larry Mitchell has a wide range in determining that. Defense attorney Angie N’Duka asked Escalona what she thought of photos that prosecutors presented earlier this week showing her daughter’s injuries. “Only a monster does that,” Escalona responded. “When that happened, I was [one] … I want everybody to know I’m not a monster. I love my kids.” Sure thing.