Tag Archives: komodo-dragon

Chanelle Hayes is Worth Lookin’ At of the Day

I don’t remember who Chanelle Hayes is, but based on her hair and make-up, I’m going with pornstar. I guess I could google her, but I’m pretty sure she’s not out there googling me, so why give her that kind of attention, while giving her one more “search request” making her think she’s more important than she is, which is pretty much a cancer to most men who like fuckin’ hot girls, because the second they realize they are better than you, is the second the pussy supply dries up and you go back to fucking rotting meat you find in your freezer, because it’s the only thing fleshy you can put your dick up against, while remembering the few months you were getting hot pussy, not that you’ve ever had hot pussy, but I’m generalizing for the people who have, whether they read this site or not….assholes

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Chanelle Hayes is Worth Lookin’ At of the Day

Mariah Carey’s Drunk Tits of the Day

Mariah Carey was drunk, I wonder if it was from drinking too much or if her brain medication just had a weird reaction to what she ate, putting her into some kind of high that almost looks like she’s ready to be dragged by her fuckin’ hair to the alley behind the club and date raped, unfortunately, her celebrity status and the crowd it draws makes for a total fuckin’ cock block. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Mariah Carey’s Drunk Tits of the Day

Even a Komodo Dragon Knows Good Day LA is Shit of the Day

I am glad I have no money to travel to LA so that I will never accidentally land on this Good Day LA show that I constantly plug. The shit is so strange that I feel it’s mocking morning TV and maybe only people in LA really grasp it’s relevance, because to me and a Komodo Dragon it’s nothing but a pile of shit of a TV show

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Even a Komodo Dragon Knows Good Day LA is Shit of the Day