Tag Archives: stepping-stone

Naya Rivera Instagrams a Bikini of the Day

Naya Rivera is some Affirmative Action cast member of Glee, you know the show that features people of every race, size, disability, ailment. From Obeses to Wheel Chairbound, to Alopecia Albino Diabetic with an Amputated Foot Tranny Who Is Experimenting with Heterosexual relationships….cuz it makes for good TV. But Naya, at 26, half Peurto Rican and half Black, a product of a stage mom who was trying to launch a career of her own in Hollywood, but who instead pimped out her daughter, gets that none of that Glee shit matters, it’s just a stepping stone to star in some West Side Story gang shit. She knows what matters is showing the world her meaty twat stuffed into a white bikini…cuz when shit gets wet, it expands, like a dehydrated flower being revived….or maybe it just looks that way when the wet see through fabric gets clingy. I am into this self shot smut.

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Naya Rivera Instagrams a Bikini of the Day

The Side-Eye: ‘Recovering’ Disney Princess Demi Lovato Says She Was In Rehab Over An Eating Disorder

Well, that’s ONE way to look at being hooked on coke… Lovato tells Seventeen magazine that an eating disorder has been a “life-long disease” for her, and that now that she’s gotten help her goal is to use her struggles as a stepping stone for others who might be suffering from similar woes. “I wish I could tell every young girl with an eating disorder, or who has harmed herself in any way, that she’s worthy of life and that her life has meaning. You can overcome and get through anything,” Lovato wrote as a contributing editor for the magazine. Lovato continues, saying: “Yes, there have been times when I definitely have been tempted to get rid of my dinner. But I will deal with it for the rest of my life because it’s a life-long disease. I don’t think there’s going to be a day when I don’t think about food or my body, but I’m living with it, and I wish I could tell young girls to find their safe place and stay with it.” “If you are going through that dark period, go to your family and closest friends. Don’t put yourself in danger. It’s very crucial that you get your feelings out – but don’t ever inflict harm on your own body because your body is so sacred.” “I don’t let anyone’s insecurities, emotions, or opinions bother me. I know that if I am happy, that’s all that matters to me. And it’s OK to be selfish like that sometimes, when it comes to your well-being. Do what makes you happy, and don’t care what others think.” Whatever it was, we’re glad she got help or whatever. Now let’s just see if she has enough people in her life to keep her from following in Lindsay footsteps all the way. Source

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The Side-Eye: ‘Recovering’ Disney Princess Demi Lovato Says She Was In Rehab Over An Eating Disorder

Sophie Monk and her Nipples Aren’t Totally Useless of the Day

A hooker once told me that you have to cherish the moments of glory….not realizing that when I chose her becuase she was 50 dollars for anything I wanted….I wasn’t at a moment of fucking glory…I was actually at rock bottom and wanted to have my way with a cunt to feel alive…not that it worked….I wasn’t paying for a fucking philosopher or words of wisdom but here I am 20 years later reference that night….maybe it was glorious in retrospect…I mean I know it is better than the hell I live now….and that rock bottom became an even deeper rock bottom you didn’t think was possible….but I digress…. Here’s Sophie Monk following that hooker’s lead…making me think maybe that hooker grew up to be Sophie Monk’s mom but more likely she is dead in a ditch….but I digress…. Because the point of this is to say she’s cherishing the last gig she got…I mean who walks around with their accomplishments, not that being a cover girl on a magazine I’ve never heard of is an accomplishment, but to someone who does nothing and wants nothing more than to run the fucking industry, it’s a stepping stone to keep her going….and I guess she knows that the magazine no one has heard of will sell itself, so but if she walks around with hard nipples, holding the obscure magazine, a lot of people will see it…she is her number one fan….but more importantly, that was the deal the magazine made with her when they agreed to let her be the cover girl so long as she got them noticed…. Deperation is not a sexy thing…but it can lead to sexy things….That’s the life lesson of the day Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Sophie Monk and her Nipples Aren’t Totally Useless of the Day

Bridget Marquardt’s Ass at Some Event of the Day

The whole Playboy thing is pretty tired and done as far as I’m concerned, so when I hear about girls who were in the magazine, or were paid “actors” to pretend to date Hugh Hefner for a semi-successful reality show, I just don’t even pay attention. When I hear about celebrities getting nude for the shit, or even people I know submitting nudes to get in the magazine as a stepping stone to become the next Pam Anderson, I don’t even really acknowledge it

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Bridget Marquardt’s Ass at Some Event of the Day

Even a Komodo Dragon Knows Good Day LA is Shit of the Day

I am glad I have no money to travel to LA so that I will never accidentally land on this Good Day LA show that I constantly plug. The shit is so strange that I feel it’s mocking morning TV and maybe only people in LA really grasp it’s relevance, because to me and a Komodo Dragon it’s nothing but a pile of shit of a TV show

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Even a Komodo Dragon Knows Good Day LA is Shit of the Day