Tag Archives: lady-should

*Warning* Angry Black Woman On Train: Why Is She So Mad [Video]

This chick uses language… no lady should use in public. So, clear the kids and throw on the headphones at work before turning the page and watching this video.

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*Warning* Angry Black Woman On Train: Why Is She So Mad [Video]

Katy Perry bare ass picture

Katy Perry upskirt leaving Dusty#39;s Cafe in Silverlake. The wind blew up Katy Perry#39;s skirt yesterday and almost exposed her bare ass. “But doesn#39;t she wear panties?” Trust me, she doesn#39;t. You#39;d be amazed at the things you find out when you get a couple of bottles of champagne in her. For example, she hates Asians. Believe me, I was quite shocked when I found out. A lady should not be using that kind of language. Katy Perry has come to the defense of fiance Russell Brand, who wa

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Katy Perry bare ass picture

Lost Puppy

This lady should check her junk before she goes around putting up signs. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment