Tag Archives: landfall-since

What if a hurricane hits Long Island?

Hurricane Earl is quickly becoming a major storm and the latest forecasts have it moving dangerously close to the south east of Long Island. There are many experts who say our area is long overdue for a powerful hurricane. New York is second most vulnerable to a major hurricane due to factors like population density, amount of property near coastal areas and the length of time since the last major hurricane. According to the National Weather Service: – every 17 years we should be hit by a Category 1 hurricane – every 39 years we should be hit by a Category 2 hurricane – every 68 years in Nassau County – and 70 years in Suffolk County – we should be hit by a Category 3 storm. So what would happen? Would we see massive evacuations like in the gulf? Or would people here, known for their skepticism, decide to stay put? Some Snippets: -The George Washington and Narrows bridges would have be closed before landfall since they are high up and will experience hurricane force winds before sea level. -Ferry service would have to be stopped six to twelve hours before landfall. -a high Cat 3 or low Cat 4 could flood the Holland and Battery Tunnels and JFK could be under a storm surge of 12 to 20 feet! READ MORE: http://morichesdaily.com/2010/08/hurricane-hits-long-island/ What do You Think? added by: MorichesDaily