Tag Archives: large-bucket

Tyra Banks Scaring the Kids of the Day

It is Halloween. So sending Tyra Banks to a school, where she presented to the leaders of tomorrow, in what was likely something the school thought was a good idea, you know informative from a person who has succeeded in the world, before realizing that Tyra is a fucking nut case , because they, along with everyone else in the world, never watched her daytime TV Show….was appropriate…. I have no idea what was said or what happened, but based on the facial expressions and outfit, it was a lot more scary than anything… Which is too bad, because I’ve before she ever opened her mouth, and let the world know she has an uneducated annoying opinion, and no filter….that is often times disgusting….she was a Victoria’s Secret and SI half naked model… Now she just sucks…

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Tyra Banks Scaring the Kids of the Day

Ali Later in Dress Cameltoe of the Day

It takes a special kind of mom pussy that can get cameltoed by a variety of clothing, including but not limited to a dress… I know this isn’t exactly a cameltoe, but I’m a wishful thinker, bottom feeding pervert, and that makes it close enough to one for me. She’s come a long way from being the flat chested girl in a whipped cream bikini… Or maybe she’s just had a kid and the whole thing is confsing me.

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Ali Later in Dress Cameltoe of the Day

Phoebe Price Pulling the Same Stunt of the Day

On october 10, 2011 -> Phoebe Price pulled the exact same stunt that she’s pulling today, only she was wearing one of those stupid winter hats all these idiots are wearing cuz they think it is fashionable, when really it just makes them look like fucking assholes…possibly because she is a fucking asshole who knows the paparazzi are at that spot since celebs go there, and figures she might as well get herself photographed so more people write about her antics, even though she’s uninteresting, old and no one fucking cares, except maybe me since she’s showing some panty…. This is bottom feeding of a bottom I’d like to feed on at its best. She’s a paparazzi chaser, like an ambulance chaser, hoping to get work, noticed or some validation her very rich dad/husband/whoever supports her never gave her…Weird.

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Phoebe Price Pulling the Same Stunt of the Day

Ghetto Pool Party is the Viral Video of the Day

Who is the bourgeois motherfuckers who say having a Soca Cruise / Raggaton/ hard grinding party in the city, by a large bucket that doubles as a pool is ghetto…I bet it is the same assholes the Occupy Wall Street motherfucers are protesting about, all rich wih real life pools and high class escorts…, where hot summer day partiess don’t require garden hose and hos…. This video won my heart.

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Ghetto Pool Party is the Viral Video of the Day