Tag Archives: larkspur-ferry

Yay! Bike & Pedestrian Cal Park Tunnel Opens in Marin County (Video)

A Second Life for an Old Train Tunnel Ever since the late 1970s, people have been trying to turn a 124-year-old abandoned railroad tunnel into something that pedestrians and cyclists could use (and eventually, bringing back light-rail to it). Active development started 12 years ago, and after a looooong wait, the 1.2 mile tunnel (not the best place to be if you are claustrophobic) has now been officially opened in front of a very enthusiastic crowd. Cyclists and pedestrians will be able to commute between the Larkspur Ferry landing and San Rafael in a … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Yay! Bike & Pedestrian Cal Park Tunnel Opens in Marin County (Video)