Tag Archives: air pollution

How to Build With Roundwood Timber Framing (Video)

Image credit: Permaculture Media While regenerative coppice forestry may be struggling to take off in the US , in the UK Ben Law’s stunning woodland house has shown many people around the world that there are a myriad of ways to work with our woodlands to create building materials, fuel and food from what surrounds us. Roundwood timber framing is one such technique tha… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How to Build With Roundwood Timber Framing (Video)

Exxon Sued for Illegally Emitting 8 Million Pounds of Pollution

Photo: Steve Snodgrass , Flickr, CC Environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil for allowing the largest oil refining plant in the nation to emit over 8 million pounds of illegal air pollution for over five years now. The Sierra Club and Environment Texas claim that the Exxon refinery, which operates on the Gulf coast, has violated federal air pollution laws “thousands of times”. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Exxon Sued for Illegally Emitting 8 Million Pounds of Pollution

Yay! Bike & Pedestrian Cal Park Tunnel Opens in Marin County (Video)

A Second Life for an Old Train Tunnel Ever since the late 1970s, people have been trying to turn a 124-year-old abandoned railroad tunnel into something that pedestrians and cyclists could use (and eventually, bringing back light-rail to it). Active development started 12 years ago, and after a looooong wait, the 1.2 mile tunnel (not the best place to be if you are claustrophobic) has now been officially opened in front of a very enthusiastic crowd. Cyclists and pedestrians will be able to commute between the Larkspur Ferry landing and San Rafael in a … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Yay! Bike & Pedestrian Cal Park Tunnel Opens in Marin County (Video)

Urban Light Pollution Boosts Air Pollution

photo: Chung Kui Ryan Cheng / Creative Commons Living in Manhattan, where on a good night you only see a couple stars in the sky and it’s never truly dark due to light pollution , this one particularly hits home for me: BBC News reports that a new presentation at the American Geophysical Union me… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Urban Light Pollution Boosts Air Pollution

EPA to Set Even Tougher Fuel Economy Standards for 2017-2025

Photo via Room for Debate But Just How Tough? There’s been much speculation about what the EPA’s post-2016 fuel economy standards will be when they’re announced this week. As of now, thanks to an executive order from the Obama administration, the national fuel economy standard will be 35.5 mpg by 2016 . After that — well that’s where the speculation comes in. Environmental groups ar… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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EPA to Set Even Tougher Fuel Economy Standards for 2017-2025

Fair Trade Repurposed Cotton Sari Quilts From Pure Habitat

I’ve always been a big fan of the rainbow colours and iconic grace of the South Asian sari – which can be seen in an amazing array of textures, styles and methods of draping all over the subcontinent. Even after a sari is finished as a garment, oftentimes it can be repurposed into something else just as useful — from eye-popping scarves to cholera-preventing wa… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Fair Trade Repurposed Cotton Sari Quilts From Pure Habitat

New Map Shows Air Pollution Throughout the World

Image via NASA Scientists have long known about the life-threatening impact of air pollution — but up until now, tracking it globally with any accuracy had been out of reach. With new satellite-based imaging, however, researchers are getting their first peek at how particulate matter is distributed around the world, and in places where air pollution had been difficult to measure with any accuracy before — an important step towards … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New Map Shows Air Pollution Throughout the World

How to Turn Local Water Conservation into Good Business (Video)

Photo via CMAFDA At what may have been the most interesting session at this year’s Clinton Global Initiative — a discussion with leaders from big business and nonprofit orgs on how to find market solutions for protecting the environment — Dr. Sanjayan, the lead scientist of the Nature Conservancy, discussed his agency’s promising large-scale project to turn combating water crises around the world with market-based ‘water protection’ plans. The video after the jump explains: … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How to Turn Local Water Conservation into Good Business (Video)

Ocean Cooling, Not Pollution, Halted Global Warming in Mid-20th Century

photo: Alan Strakey via flickr A new paper in the journal Nature explains what happened during the mid-twentieth century to halt the ever-increasing global temperature rise that continues to this day. Rather than warming in the Northern Hemisphere being stopped by a greater build-up of air pollution as had been supposed, the researchers say an unexpectedly a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Ocean Cooling, Not Pollution, Halted Global Warming in Mid-20th Century

Like a Good Neighbor, the Clean Air Act is There

Since 1970, the Clean Air Act has been the EPA’s most effective tool for combating air pollution. When it was first enacted, the Clean Air Act only covered five pollutants. But over the last 40 years it has been amended to protect the public from dozens of additional dangerous pollutants. But air pollution doesn’t stop at state lines, and as a result people throughout the country are forced to breathe unhealthy air. EPA’s proposed Good Neighbor Rule will help states be good neigh… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Like a Good Neighbor, the Clean Air Act is There