Tag Archives: xingu

The Belo Monte Dam- Destroying the Amazon

How unconscienable is this! The Brazilian government is now moving ahead on a project that will result in the construction of the third largest dam in the world in one of the most diverse and ecologically rich areas of the world: the Amazon. It is to be constructed on the Xingu River which is home to the Paquacamba and Arara indigenous peoples. It will divert 80% of the river from its original course, thus leaving swaths of indigenous land in drought while flooding over 100,000 acres of rainforest and displacing 20- 40,000 people. Once again we see shortsightedness at a time when we need to see the big picture. Hydroelectricity in areas such as this in an age of global warming and drought is a short term solution that will only bring long term consequences to environment, economy, culture, and also the climate balance of the planet. Solar energy is the one renewable energy source that is most viable here that will also preserve the environment, water resources and culture of the indigenous peoples who call this area their home. This action will then in turn spawn multiple dam projects all the way up the Amazon that will only displace more people when it is not necessary. It is heartbreaking to see what is being done to the last vestiges of ecological richness that we must preserve for the future. There is still time however to tell the Brazilian government you oppose this. I will post a link below where you can do this. Thanks. added by: JanforGore

Like a Good Neighbor, the Clean Air Act is There

Since 1970, the Clean Air Act has been the EPA’s most effective tool for combating air pollution. When it was first enacted, the Clean Air Act only covered five pollutants. But over the last 40 years it has been amended to protect the public from dozens of additional dangerous pollutants. But air pollution doesn’t stop at state lines, and as a result people throughout the country are forced to breathe unhealthy air. EPA’s proposed Good Neighbor Rule will help states be good neigh… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Like a Good Neighbor, the Clean Air Act is There

Sigourney Weaver Deconstructs Disasterous Belo Monte Dam in ‘Defending the Rivers of the Amazon’ (Video)

Image via Ecorazzi Brazil has received a whole lot of negativity regarding the Belo Monte dam. The $17 billion complex would divert nearly all of the flow of the Xingu River, a massive river known for its biodiversity, to generate hydroelectric power. A new video narrated by Sigourney Weaver illustrates through a 3D tour using Google Earth video the catastrophic social a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sigourney Weaver Deconstructs Disasterous Belo Monte Dam in ‘Defending the Rivers of the Amazon’ (Video)