Tag Archives: catastrophic

Quote Of The Day: MSNBC Contributor Says “Corporate America Is Raping Minorities”

All we can say is PREACH! Writer and MSNBC contributor has drawn some criticism for her outspoken criticism of Washington politics as usual and crooked azz Corporate America during an interview Wednesday. Taylor was asked about the catastrophic effect of the recession on minorities and she went IN on the folks she feels are responsible: “Catastrophic is right, you know. If you look at African-american and Hispanic households, fully a third of them report zero wealth. Not even a dollar in positive wealth. A lot of that wealth was tied up in the homes that they spent more than 75% of their income either buying or maintaining, and so when those homes were taken away, the wealth went with it. “If you put on top of that affordable health care and access to health insurance, then, you know, most of the bankruptcies in this country, especially from black and brown people, are driven because of health care costs, and so when you ask yourself what has happened to black and brown Americans, I can tell you what happened to them. “Corporate America happened to them. People who are, you know, literally raping these people over medical costs, exorbitant medical costs and then to turn around and swipe the homes that they worked their lives to build, you know, over some subprime lending issues. So I think that we ought to re-examine our priorities as a country and re-examine how to go forward. I don’t think that’s the America we’re banking on, the America we all believe in.” Sounds about right to us. You can watch the interview below:

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Quote Of The Day: MSNBC Contributor Says “Corporate America Is Raping Minorities”

Quote Of The Day: MSNBC Contributor Says “Corporate America Is Raping Minorities”

All we can say is PREACH! Writer and MSNBC contributor has drawn some criticism for her outspoken criticism of Washington politics as usual and crooked azz Corporate America during an interview Wednesday. Taylor was asked about the catastrophic effect of the recession on minorities and she went IN on the folks she feels are responsible: “Catastrophic is right, you know. If you look at African-american and Hispanic households, fully a third of them report zero wealth. Not even a dollar in positive wealth. A lot of that wealth was tied up in the homes that they spent more than 75% of their income either buying or maintaining, and so when those homes were taken away, the wealth went with it. “If you put on top of that affordable health care and access to health insurance, then, you know, most of the bankruptcies in this country, especially from black and brown people, are driven because of health care costs, and so when you ask yourself what has happened to black and brown Americans, I can tell you what happened to them. “Corporate America happened to them. People who are, you know, literally raping these people over medical costs, exorbitant medical costs and then to turn around and swipe the homes that they worked their lives to build, you know, over some subprime lending issues. So I think that we ought to re-examine our priorities as a country and re-examine how to go forward. I don’t think that’s the America we’re banking on, the America we all believe in.” Sounds about right to us. You can watch the interview below:

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Quote Of The Day: MSNBC Contributor Says “Corporate America Is Raping Minorities”

Sigourney Weaver Deconstructs Disasterous Belo Monte Dam in ‘Defending the Rivers of the Amazon’ (Video)

Image via Ecorazzi Brazil has received a whole lot of negativity regarding the Belo Monte dam. The $17 billion complex would divert nearly all of the flow of the Xingu River, a massive river known for its biodiversity, to generate hydroelectric power. A new video narrated by Sigourney Weaver illustrates through a 3D tour using Google Earth video the catastrophic social a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sigourney Weaver Deconstructs Disasterous Belo Monte Dam in ‘Defending the Rivers of the Amazon’ (Video)

Book Review: 100 Words – Two Hundred Visionaries Share Their Hope For the Future By William Murtha

There’s a French proverb out there that goes: “Hope is the dream of a soul awake.” With an endless ebb and flow of media, information and literature out there that overwhelmingly focuses on the negative, the catastrophic and the heartbreaking, is it no wonder that some of us suffer from a vague feeling of burnout? During such trying times, the best antidote is to look to the positive side of things, which is why we find 100 Words, Two Hundred Visionaries a treasure trove of inspiration, full of farsighted gems gathered from two hundred thinkers and changemakers living today. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Book Review: 100 Words – Two Hundred Visionaries Share Their Hope For the Future By William Murtha