Tag Archives: gas-reserves

Sigourney Weaver Deconstructs Disasterous Belo Monte Dam in ‘Defending the Rivers of the Amazon’ (Video)

Image via Ecorazzi Brazil has received a whole lot of negativity regarding the Belo Monte dam. The $17 billion complex would divert nearly all of the flow of the Xingu River, a massive river known for its biodiversity, to generate hydroelectric power. A new video narrated by Sigourney Weaver illustrates through a 3D tour using Google Earth video the catastrophic social a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sigourney Weaver Deconstructs Disasterous Belo Monte Dam in ‘Defending the Rivers of the Amazon’ (Video)

Tapping the Energy Below the Earth’s Surface

Image credit: lydurs /Flickr The heat in the upper six miles of the earth’s crust contains 50,000 times as much energy as found in all the world’s oil and gas reserves combined. Despite this abundance, only 10,700 megawatts of geothermal electricity generating capacity have been harnessed worldwide…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Tapping the Energy Below the Earth’s Surface