Tag Archives: exxon

Bret Lockett Gives Details On Affair With Kim Kardashian “I Aint Lyin!!!” [Video]

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Bret Lockett Gives Details On Affair With Kim Kardashian “I Aint Lyin!!!” [Video]

Too Hot For TV: Former Talke Show Host Ricki Lake Is Being Sued For Burning Down A Malibu Beach House!!

Let us find out Ricki Lake got a lil Bugsy in her…allegedly. According to TMZ reports : What does Ricki Lake have in common with the Exxon Valdez? Each is responsible for a super-destructive, wildly expensive oil spill … allegedly. Lake is being sued for allegedly making a HUGE mistake with some flammable heating oil … and causing the fire that burned down the Malibu beach house she was renting back in 2010. According to the lawsuit filed by the owner of the home … Lake was refilling a portable space heater when she spilled the oil on the hot heating coils — and the oil burst into flames. The fire quickly ripped through the entire property. In the lawsuit, filed Monday in L.A. County Superior Court, the owner, Hovsep Kousouyan, claims Lake spoke with emergency personnel who responded to the fire — and she admitted the whole thing was her fault. Kousouyan says his beach house was completely destroyed in the blaze — and wants Lake to pay for all of the damages … which could be in the millions. Calls to Lake’s rep have not been returned. Looks like ol Ricki is gonna be payin’ dem stacks!

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Too Hot For TV: Former Talke Show Host Ricki Lake Is Being Sued For Burning Down A Malibu Beach House!!

Exxon Sued for Illegally Emitting 8 Million Pounds of Pollution

Photo: Steve Snodgrass , Flickr, CC Environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil for allowing the largest oil refining plant in the nation to emit over 8 million pounds of illegal air pollution for over five years now. The Sierra Club and Environment Texas claim that the Exxon refinery, which operates on the Gulf coast, has violated federal air pollution laws “thousands of times”. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Exxon Sued for Illegally Emitting 8 Million Pounds of Pollution

Almost Every Worker from Exxon Valdez Oil Spill is Now Dead

Are you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? In a previous article we documented a number of the health dangers from this oil spill that many scientists are warning us of, and now it has been reported on CNN that the vast majority of those who worked to clean up the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska are now dead. Yes, you read that correctly. Almost all of them are dead. In fact, the expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years. Considering the fact that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now many times worse than the Exxon Valdez disaster, are you sure you want to volunteer to be on a cleanup crew down there? After all, the American Dream is not to make big bucks for a few months helping BP clean up their mess and then drop dead 20 or 30 years early. This news clip from CNN is absolutely stunning. If this is even close to true, then why would anyone want to be involved in helping to clean up this oil?…. The truth is that what we have out in the Gulf of Mexico is a “toxic soup” of oil, methane, benzene, hydrogen sulfide, other toxic gases and very poisonous chemical dispersants such as Corexit 9500. Breathing all of this stuff is not good for your health, but the reality is that the true health toll of this oil spill is not going to be known for decades. However, the early reports are not encouraging…. *Already, a large number of workers cleaning up the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico report that they are suffering from flu-like symptoms. *According to another new report, exposure to the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has resulted in 162 cases of illnesses reported to the Louisiana state health department. *In addition, according to one local Pensacola news source, “400 people have sought medical care for upper or lower respiratory problems, headaches, nausea, and eye irritation after trips to Escambia County beaches.” This is going to be something that we all want to keep a very close eye on. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/warning-to-gulf-cleanup-workers-almost-every-crew… BP=British Petroleum=Queen of England=NWO Royal Dutch Shell=Queen of Netherland=NWO Exxon Mobil=Standard Oil=Rockefellers=NWO added by: rodstradamus

Aftermath of Gulf of Mexico ecocide: benzene rain?

Truth be told, dispersants are far from a panacea. They are first and foremost a public relation tool to manipulate public opinion into believing the oil spill is disappearing, digested by microbes. The dispersants keep the oil underwater and together have created a deadlier mix than oil and water. Out of sight, out of mind, and the American public, with an increasingly short attention span buys into it. In reality an oil spill treated with chemical dispersants poses an even greater ecological threat than the oil spill left alone. Corexit is an extremely toxic chemical dispersant. It was favored by BP over other alternative dispersants more ecologically friendly and with a better track record, mostly for cost reasons. It is estimated that more than 870,000 gallons (3.2 million litres) of Corexit has been used so far, either sprayed on the surface or released underwater-150,000 gallons (570,000 litres). Dispersants rely on wave movements shearing the oil film mechanically in order to refine crude oil into separate chemicals. This may have worked to some extent on the Exxon Valdez spill of Alaska where waves are big but in the Gulf of Mexico? Ever heard of a surfing competition in the gulf? The waves are just not there for the dispersant to work. Seven cleanup workers were hospitalized last week after complaints of headache, dizziness, breathing problems and nausea. The workers are said to have told the doctors, according to the medical centre sources, that the chemical dispersant used to break up oil had made them sick. Doctors believe the likely cause to be chemical irritation as well as dehydration from working in the heat. Manufactured by Nalco Energy Services L.P., the Material Safety Data Sheets state that Corexit 9500 cause irritation when in contact with skin, chemical pneumonia if ingested and irritation to the respiratory tract with repeated and prolonged inhalation. MSD of Corexit EC 9527A states: Symptoms of Exposure – Acute : Excessive exposure may cause central nervous system effects, nausea, vomiting, aesthetic or narcotic effects. – Chronic : Repeated or excessive exposure to butoxyethanol may cause injury to red blood cells (hemolysis), kidney or the liver. No toxicity studies have been conducted for either product, so the extent of damage is still not known. However, according to a study by Exxon, Corexit 9527 and Corexit 9580 have low to “moderate toxicity to most aquatic organisms in laboratory tests.” Corexit 9527 is also known to damage the red blood cells, leaving fishes to bleed to death. snip Know this: Most of the hydrocarbon chemicals extracted by the dispersants stay at the surface. They are the first ones to evaporate alongside water into clouds overhead that later fly over the continent and provide rain to the southern states. We are talking about chemicals causing cancer or kidney failure such as benzene and pretty much any possible chemical that can be extracted from crude oil. These chemicals would end up in water supplies, rain on crops, and eventually imbibed by humans and animals alike. The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season began on June 1 and The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts 8-14 hurricanes ,14-23 storms, and 3-7 major hurricanes-the figures higher than normal years. During the next few hurricanes, extreme shearing at the surface of the sea will boost the chemical action of dispersants which separate petroleum chemicals and suddenly increase the concentration of noxious chemicals evaporating from the spill. These hurricanes will carry this noxious cocktail across the southern US and north of Mexico, polluting the water supply and all that depend on it. snip How to recognize the signs that the spill aftermath rained inland: if after a downpour you notice that the road is slicker than usual, this is a sign the rain water may be contaminated if after a downpour any foliage appears waxy, and any white surface stained. crops and plants which whither unexpectedly after a downpour. The oily substance coating the leaves block respiration and photosynthesis. A lot of herbicides are petroleum-based (but so are fertilizers). cont. added by: JanforGore

Oil Spill Hits Land in the Gulf (NEW PHOTOS)

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/30/louisiana-oil-spill-2010_n_558287.html The Huffington Post has updated their stream of photos coming in from the Gulf to include the latest in clean up efforts and images of the oil hitting land. For the latest photos, check Greenpeace's photostream on Flickr. The organization has had a crew of photographers, activists, scientists, and clean-up volunteers based in the Gulf for weeks. http://www.flickr.com/photos/greenpeaceusa09/ This oil spill is on track to become the worst oil spill in history, surpassing the damage done by the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the ecologically sensitive Prince William Sound in 1989. Unlike the Exxon Valdez tragedy, in which a tanker held a finite capacity of oil, BP's rig is tapped into an underwater oil well and could pump more oil into the ocean indefinitely until the leak is plugged. Oil hitting the coastlines poses a serious threat to fishermen's livelihoods, marine habitats, beaches, wildlife and human health. added by: captainplanet71

Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe

The evidence that honeybees are in terminal decline has emerged from the United States where, for the fourth year in a row, more than a third of colonies have failed to survive the winter. The decline of the country's estimated 2.4 million beehives began in 2006, when a phenomenon dubbed colony collapse disorder (CCD) led to the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of colonies. Since then more than three million colonies in the US and billions of honeybees worldwide have died and scientists are no nearer to knowing what is causing the catastrophic fall in numbers. The number of managed honeybee colonies in the US fell by 33.8% last winter, according to the annual survey by the Apiary Inspectors of America and the US government's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The collapse in the global honeybee population is a major threat to crops. It is estimated that a third of everything we eat depends upon honeybee pollination, which means that bees contribute some

Tennessee Flood of 2010

Insane rain and flooding is destroying many homes and businesses in Nashville and surrounding cities. Interstates and side roads look more like rivers and neighborhoods look like lakes. Many people are being rescued by boat. added by: modern7

Obama Says that BP is Responsible and BP will Pay the Bill

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexica, if unchecked, could eclipse the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster as the worst in US history. http://renovomedia.com/news/obama-says-that-bp-is-responsible-and-bp-will-pay-th… added by: jimhager

Troops in Telephone Remake

There are some epic remakes to the Telephone video online, but this one created by US troops in Afghanistan is brilliant. “This is a couple guys located in afghanistan, that re-made the music video by Lady Gaga….Telephone. Prepare yourself for a fantastical journey. Right now this is the temporary version, we have more scenes to cut, and edit, however with guys always on mission it is harder to film than you think.”-Youtube added by: Mcellie