Tag Archives: million-gallons

A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Gilbert Gottfried must really believe any publicity is good publicity, because making light of a natural disaster won’t endear himself to a lot of people. As the death toll creeps toward five figures, and with the fear of an actual nuclear meltdown lingering, the comedian absolutely went off on the topic. Seriously, this puts 50 Cent’s Tweets to shame. There’s not politically correct … and then there’s this. While some stars, such as Petra Nemcova , work tirelessly to support the victims of the Japanese tragedy, it’s amazing that others deliberately mock it. Sure, he’s a comedian, and maybe Gilbert will surprise us and turn this into something positive. Until then, he can likely expect some angry emails. On Gottfriend’s Twitter page, 12 tsunami-inspired jokes have been dropped in the last day, such as (and these aren’t even the offensive ones): Japan is really advanced. They don’t go to the beach. The beach comes to them. What do the japanese have in common with @howardstern? They’re both radio active. Japan had put out this urgent plea….” PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!” Japan called me. They said “maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they’re all sinking. What does every Japanese person have in their apartment? Flood lights. I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said “is there a school in this area.” She said “not now, but just wait.” My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day. Tsunami humor …

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A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Gilbert Gottfried must really believe any publicity is good publicity, because making light of a natural disaster won’t endear himself to a lot of people. As the death toll creeps toward five figures, and with the fear of an actual nuclear meltdown lingering, the comedian absolutely went off on the topic. Seriously, this puts 50 Cent’s Tweets to shame. There’s not politically correct … and then there’s this. While some stars, such as Petra Nemcova , work tirelessly to support the victims of the Japanese tragedy, it’s amazing that others deliberately mock it. Sure, he’s a comedian, and maybe Gilbert will surprise us and turn this into something positive. Until then, he can likely expect some angry emails. On Gottfriend’s Twitter page, 12 tsunami-inspired jokes have been dropped in the last day, such as (and these aren’t even the offensive ones): Japan is really advanced. They don’t go to the beach. The beach comes to them. What do the japanese have in common with @howardstern? They’re both radio active. Japan had put out this urgent plea….” PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!” Japan called me. They said “maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they’re all sinking. What does every Japanese person have in their apartment? Flood lights. I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said “is there a school in this area.” She said “not now, but just wait.” My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day. Tsunami humor …

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A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Double The Oil, Double The Problems

It’s a doubly-bad day for news regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Scientists have doubled their estimates of the amount of barrels flowing into the Gulf every day, and BP announced it will not have the oil leak sealed before August. New estimates put the a mount of barrels of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico at 40,000, doubling previous estimates of 20,000, with the total now figuring between 42 million and 84 million barrels of oil leaked since the spill began on April 20th. —JCL The LA Times: Government scientists said Thursday that as many as 40,000 barrels of oil have been flowing daily from the blown-out BP well, doubling earlier estimates and greatly expanding the scope of what is already the largest spill in U.S. history. The new figures could mean 42 million to 84 million gallons of oil have leaked into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on the night of April 20 — with the lowest estimate nearly four times the size of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill. The flow estimates were released by Marcia McNutt, director of the U.S. Geological Survey, and do not count any increases that may have occurred since the cutting of the well’s riser pipe, a step that was expected to boost the flow. Read more Related Entries June 10, 2010 Putting the ‘I’ in Environment June 10, 2010 Sarah Palin: Competent Manager

Double The Oil, Double The Problems

Oil Spill Hits Land in the Gulf (NEW PHOTOS)

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/30/louisiana-oil-spill-2010_n_558287.html The Huffington Post has updated their stream of photos coming in from the Gulf to include the latest in clean up efforts and images of the oil hitting land. For the latest photos, check Greenpeace's photostream on Flickr. The organization has had a crew of photographers, activists, scientists, and clean-up volunteers based in the Gulf for weeks. http://www.flickr.com/photos/greenpeaceusa09/ This oil spill is on track to become the worst oil spill in history, surpassing the damage done by the Exxon Valdez tanker that spilled 11 million gallons of oil into the ecologically sensitive Prince William Sound in 1989. Unlike the Exxon Valdez tragedy, in which a tanker held a finite capacity of oil, BP's rig is tapped into an underwater oil well and could pump more oil into the ocean indefinitely until the leak is plugged. Oil hitting the coastlines poses a serious threat to fishermen's livelihoods, marine habitats, beaches, wildlife and human health. added by: captainplanet71