Tag Archives: not-politically

A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Gilbert Gottfried must really believe any publicity is good publicity, because making light of a natural disaster won’t endear himself to a lot of people. As the death toll creeps toward five figures, and with the fear of an actual nuclear meltdown lingering, the comedian absolutely went off on the topic. Seriously, this puts 50 Cent’s Tweets to shame. There’s not politically correct … and then there’s this. While some stars, such as Petra Nemcova , work tirelessly to support the victims of the Japanese tragedy, it’s amazing that others deliberately mock it. Sure, he’s a comedian, and maybe Gilbert will surprise us and turn this into something positive. Until then, he can likely expect some angry emails. On Gottfriend’s Twitter page, 12 tsunami-inspired jokes have been dropped in the last day, such as (and these aren’t even the offensive ones): Japan is really advanced. They don’t go to the beach. The beach comes to them. What do the japanese have in common with @howardstern? They’re both radio active. Japan had put out this urgent plea….” PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!” Japan called me. They said “maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they’re all sinking. What does every Japanese person have in their apartment? Flood lights. I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said “is there a school in this area.” She said “not now, but just wait.” My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day. Tsunami humor …

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A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

The Price is Creepy of the Day

I love watching TV from the 60s, 70s and even the 80s because it’s not politically correct, or sensitive to issues that may offend someone, because guess everything offends someone nowadays and no one wants to be associated with something that may get shat on by some bullshit activist group, making our world a far more vanilla and boring place.. Before feminist lesbians, when women were paid less than men, we were allowed to make sexual references towards them withough getting arrested….but now everything is so fucking cautious and it is just breeding a society of drab, dull people with no substance, personality or sense of fucking humor… Cuz Bob Barker isn’t being all that bad here, if anything he makes the show worth stomaching and maybe Drew Carey or Luis Anderson or whoever the host is now should take some fucking notes, cuz talkshow hosts who cheated on their wives and drank their faces off, had a fuckin’ soul….

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The Price is Creepy of the Day