Tag Archives: stfu

“Love And Hip Hop” Star Yandy Smith Reveals That She And Partner Mendeecees Aren’t Legally Married

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Fans of VH1’s hit reality show Love and Hip Hop have followed series star Yandy Smith and her love affair with Mendeecees Harris, that produced two children and eventually led to the altar in a lavish, over-the-top wedding made for the spectacle that is reality TV. However what happens when it’s revealed that the televised […]

“Love And Hip Hop” Star Yandy Smith Reveals That She And Partner Mendeecees Aren’t Legally Married

What Would You Do!?! Your Kid wants to date outside their race? FUNNY VIDEO

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What Would You Do!?! Your Kid wants to date outside their race? FUNNY VIDEO

What Would You Do!?! Your Kid wants to date outside their race? FUNNY VIDEO

Shut The Funny Up (STFU) Does It Again – Check out This Hilarious Skit!

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Check out STFU’s newest sketch – Bad Cop Bad Cop-“The Secret Weapon” (STFU! Comedy) Check it out! This sketch stars @AmbitionBanks_5, @DanHilarious @iamnatalierojas & @Hot1079atl’s own REEC (@GotReec)!

Shut The Funny Up (STFU) Does It Again – Check out This Hilarious Skit!

Kim Kardashian Co-Hosts Live with Kelly, Refers to Divorce as "Bad Business Decision"

As far as we know, every celebrity with a personality did not die in some kind of freak accident last night. Yet despite the availability of, oh, anyone else, Kim Kardashian sat in with Kelly Ripa as a guest host this morning on the latter’s talk show, at first making small talk about her skin; then trying to act like she watched last night’s Giants/49ers NFC Championship Game; and, finally, of course, touching on her divorce from Kris Humphries . Kim Kardashian on Live with Kelly Kim acknowledged it’s been a “tough couple months,” adding the same nonsense she’s been spewing for weeks: “Being a hopeless romantic, I wanted to believe in something so badly. If you think I really made all that money that everyone claimed we made on the wedding and that it was for TV… I’m a smart businesswoman, I would have stayed married longer… This was a bad business decision. I really didn’t think following my heart would create this much backlash.” In this sense, we actually believe her. Kardashian hasn’t had an original thought in about 14 years.

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Kim Kardashian Co-Hosts Live with Kelly, Refers to Divorce as "Bad Business Decision"

Taylor Armstrong: Why I’m Sharing My Story Now

Taylor Armstrong will release a memoir in February that details the alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of estranged late husband Russell Armstrong. Given the timing of the book, along with the numerous interviews this Real Housewife has given on the topic since Russell killed himself in August, it’s impossible not to wonder why Armstrong is speaking out now. It’s a matter of safety, Taylor claims. “Until Russell’s suicide, I didn’t feel safe to tell anyone for fear of my own safety and the safety of my daughter,” Armstrong tells ABC News. “With Russell’s passing, I now feel safe to bring my story into the light, to help all battered and abused women, and men, and aid them in their struggle. “From the bottom of my heart, I believe if my book can help others find the courage to deal with the pain and fear of their abusive relationships, I will have made a real difference in their lives.” What do you think of Armstrong releasing such a memoir? until my husband Russell’s suicide, I didn’t feel safe to tell anyone for fear of my own safety and the safety of my daughter. (5-year-old Kennedy) With Russell’s passing, I now feel safe to bring my story into the light, to help all battered and abused women, and men, and aid them in their struggle.”

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Taylor Armstrong: Why I’m Sharing My Story Now

Kris Jenner Explains Daughter’s Trip to Minnesota Trip, Is Full of Krap

Kris Jenner seriously needs to STFU. In a new interview with Extra , the managerial matriarch is asked why daughter Kim Kardashian went to visit ex-husband Kris Humphries in Minnesota this week, a trip that extended this disgusting story for another few days and led to talk of reconciliation . Just take a look at the complete and utter nonsense this businesswoman spewed : “Kim is a hopeless romantic. So she wants the fairy tale. She wanted to get married and have babies and raise a family and the white picket fence and all that comes with that. She’s a really good person with a huge heart. “Whatever decisions Kim is making right now, she’s a very smart girl and she’s gonna do the right thing. All I can do is wrap my arms around her gobs of money and make sure she’s okay.” We kan’t even handle this woman klaiming that the same woman who made a sex tape… got married on TV to someone after just a few months of dating… and followed that up with a divorce 72 days later, is merely a “hopeless romantic.” We need to just turn this over to our readers and ask: What do you think is going on with Kim’s trip to see her ex?

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Kris Jenner Explains Daughter’s Trip to Minnesota Trip, Is Full of Krap

A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Gilbert Gottfried must really believe any publicity is good publicity, because making light of a natural disaster won’t endear himself to a lot of people. As the death toll creeps toward five figures, and with the fear of an actual nuclear meltdown lingering, the comedian absolutely went off on the topic. Seriously, this puts 50 Cent’s Tweets to shame. There’s not politically correct … and then there’s this. While some stars, such as Petra Nemcova , work tirelessly to support the victims of the Japanese tragedy, it’s amazing that others deliberately mock it. Sure, he’s a comedian, and maybe Gilbert will surprise us and turn this into something positive. Until then, he can likely expect some angry emails. On Gottfriend’s Twitter page, 12 tsunami-inspired jokes have been dropped in the last day, such as (and these aren’t even the offensive ones): Japan is really advanced. They don’t go to the beach. The beach comes to them. What do the japanese have in common with @howardstern? They’re both radio active. Japan had put out this urgent plea….” PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!” Japan called me. They said “maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they’re all sinking. What does every Japanese person have in their apartment? Flood lights. I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said “is there a school in this area.” She said “not now, but just wait.” My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day. Tsunami humor …

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A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Tareq and Michaele Salahi to Sue VH1 Over Celebrity Rehab Firing?!

The Salahis are idiots who need to take a long walk off a short pier. We may have just risked litigation by saying that, because White House party crasher turned loser reality star Tareq Salahi is hinting that he may sue Celebrity Rehab for illegally firing his wife because of her “health condition.” It’s unclear what “condition” Tareq is referring to, but whatever. Barack would not approve of this nonsense. Michaele Salahi has said that she suffers from multiple sclerosis, which we feel bad about and all, but milking it for Z-list fame won’t get you sympathy. Tareq and his lawyers issued a statement saying, “[Michaele] was fired due to her health condition [in] violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.” Earlier this week, Tareq said that his wife’s only addiction was “chocolate” … leaving many wondering why she was even on the show in the first place. They later said she went on the program to receive help from Dr. Drew to treat MS. It’s not clear how the good doctor planned on doing so, however.

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Tareq and Michaele Salahi to Sue VH1 Over Celebrity Rehab Firing?!

We Will Pay Donald Trump to Shut Up [Offers]

Yesterday Donald Trump offered to buy the site of the proposed ” Ground Zero Mosque,” thereby ending the “highly divisive situation.” To end the highly annoying antics of Donald Trump and his PR minions, we hereby offer to buy his silence. More

Ke$ha Gets "Artsy" for Interview Magazine

And by artsy I mean: hahaha, what the fuck was she thinking? STFU, Ke$ha. The Best Links: via ONTD View