Tag Archives: good-publicity

Beiber’s Barely Legal Vagina in Wonderland of the Day

Hailey Baldwin was Bieber’s 16 year old, then 17 year old, girl he had sex with. She’s also weirdo Stephen Baldwin’s daughter who is first cousins with that big monsterous lesbian Ireland Baldwin….and now she’s 18 years old, and they had a birthday party for her at Bieber’s house, making the whole thing legit…which is too bad, because I wish Bieber got arrested for being a sex offender, like most 20 year olds who fuck 17 year olds… What isn’t legit, is her modeling career. She’s not tall, she is hot, but not tall, and just part of this stupid crew of Kendall Jenners, Gigi Hadids, who are basically the rich, popular girls at the high school that is pop culture, and everyone pays attention to them for no real reason, other than they get good publicity…… I could show you dozens of much hotter 18 year olds, they just don’t have the right friends, father, connections…and boyfriend…to matter enough for magazines like Wonderland… The world is unfair, but luckily for me, all these bitches are interchangeable…replaceable, and in 2 years…this set won’t exist, but the next one will…so in the meantime watch them seek validation. The post Beiber’s Barely Legal Vagina in Wonderland of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Beiber’s Barely Legal Vagina in Wonderland of the Day

A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Gilbert Gottfried must really believe any publicity is good publicity, because making light of a natural disaster won’t endear himself to a lot of people. As the death toll creeps toward five figures, and with the fear of an actual nuclear meltdown lingering, the comedian absolutely went off on the topic. Seriously, this puts 50 Cent’s Tweets to shame. There’s not politically correct … and then there’s this. While some stars, such as Petra Nemcova , work tirelessly to support the victims of the Japanese tragedy, it’s amazing that others deliberately mock it. Sure, he’s a comedian, and maybe Gilbert will surprise us and turn this into something positive. Until then, he can likely expect some angry emails. On Gottfriend’s Twitter page, 12 tsunami-inspired jokes have been dropped in the last day, such as (and these aren’t even the offensive ones): Japan is really advanced. They don’t go to the beach. The beach comes to them. What do the japanese have in common with @howardstern? They’re both radio active. Japan had put out this urgent plea….” PLEASE SEND US A FEW BIlLION RUBBER DUCKIES!!!!!” Japan called me. They said “maybe those jokes are a hit in the US, but over here, they’re all sinking. What does every Japanese person have in their apartment? Flood lights. I was talking to my Japanese real estate agent. I said “is there a school in this area.” She said “not now, but just wait.” My Japanese doctor advised me to stay healthy I need 50 million gallons of water a day. Tsunami humor …

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A Tsunami of Tasteless Jokes: Gilbert Gottfried Unleashes Deluge on Twitter

Tara Reid is Drunk on Love of the Day

Tara Reid is in love. I wonder how much money this Danish “Businessman” named Michael Lillelund has. I can assume enough to buy her all the drugs she needs to continue the perpetual Spring Break party that is her life. Maybe this Danish “Businessman” is actually a dealer, which would make sense, cuz after spending the last decade committed to getting drunk and fucked up at parties and getting paid for it, she’s not about to stop, even though no one wants to book her to host their party, cuz sad, washed up, 40 year olds kinda put a damper on the vibe for the kids at the party, even they know she’s fucking pathetic…but she needs the fuel to keep going… Here they are staging a kiss which I guess is good publicity for everyone involved but at Tara Reid’s level of failure, this shoulda been a sex tape…which I believe is still a real option for her when rich guys she wants go for hotter, less battered pussy, leaving her with no real options…but prostitution and porn…. Dreams do come true, sometimes 20 years too late, but the still come true dammit.

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Tara Reid is Drunk on Love of the Day

Gatorade Tiger Tampering Now a Federal Case

If all publicity really was good publicity, then Gatorade probably wouldn’t have minded so much about the unsolicited—and, as it turns out, totally illegal—ad campaign a Colorado…

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Gatorade Tiger Tampering Now a Federal Case