Tag Archives: shoulda

Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day

All I have to say about this is that this shoulda been Lohan…and I am sure Lohan will be the first to say that…and I am sure Lohan, while sitting in her fake rehab watching youtube videos looks at this with anger. I mean back when I used to talk to Lohan, she straight up singled Amanda Seyfried out once and called her a bitch…they were in Mean Girls together, so this Amanda Seyfried winning at Lohan’s game with Lohan’s only casting in the last 5 years…is like a real fuck you…and that kind of cat fight is what masturbation is made of…. I like how they make Porn look like a sad, broken place…because it is. Amanda Seyfried Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day All I have to say about this is that this shoulda been Lohan…and I am sure Lohan will be the first to say that…and I am sure Lohan, while sitting in her fake rehab watching youtube videos looks at this with anger. I mean back when I used to talk to Lohan, she straight up singled Amanda Seyfried out once and called her a bitch…they were in Mean Girls together, so this Amanda Seyfried winning at Lohan’s game with Lohan’s only casting in the last 5 years…is like a real fuck you…and that kind of cat fight is what masturbation is made of…. I like how they make Porn look like a sad, broken place…because it is.

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Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day

7 Things You Should Be Doing After A Job Interview

Job interviews are huge. Seeing as how it’s becoming more and more difficult to get people to even look at your resume these days, having the opportunity to get your foot in the door and get to plead your case and qualifications in person is major. Once it’s over, a huge weight is lifted off your back, even if you did poorly. Now it’s time to wait. How agonizing is that? Spending too much time mourning a bad interview with your shoulda, couldas and wouldas or being too cocky about a good one is a waste of time that will leave you crazy if things don’t go your way quickly. So here are a few things you need to do to fill in that time, and to help you keep your dignity intact and your options open. Read more at MadameNoire.com

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7 Things You Should Be Doing After A Job Interview

Tara Reid is Drunk on Love of the Day

Tara Reid is in love. I wonder how much money this Danish “Businessman” named Michael Lillelund has. I can assume enough to buy her all the drugs she needs to continue the perpetual Spring Break party that is her life. Maybe this Danish “Businessman” is actually a dealer, which would make sense, cuz after spending the last decade committed to getting drunk and fucked up at parties and getting paid for it, she’s not about to stop, even though no one wants to book her to host their party, cuz sad, washed up, 40 year olds kinda put a damper on the vibe for the kids at the party, even they know she’s fucking pathetic…but she needs the fuel to keep going… Here they are staging a kiss which I guess is good publicity for everyone involved but at Tara Reid’s level of failure, this shoulda been a sex tape…which I believe is still a real option for her when rich guys she wants go for hotter, less battered pussy, leaving her with no real options…but prostitution and porn…. Dreams do come true, sometimes 20 years too late, but the still come true dammit.

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Tara Reid is Drunk on Love of the Day