Tag Archives: theatre-or-some

Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day

All I have to say about this is that this shoulda been Lohan…and I am sure Lohan will be the first to say that…and I am sure Lohan, while sitting in her fake rehab watching youtube videos looks at this with anger. I mean back when I used to talk to Lohan, she straight up singled Amanda Seyfried out once and called her a bitch…they were in Mean Girls together, so this Amanda Seyfried winning at Lohan’s game with Lohan’s only casting in the last 5 years…is like a real fuck you…and that kind of cat fight is what masturbation is made of…. I like how they make Porn look like a sad, broken place…because it is. Amanda Seyfried Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day All I have to say about this is that this shoulda been Lohan…and I am sure Lohan will be the first to say that…and I am sure Lohan, while sitting in her fake rehab watching youtube videos looks at this with anger. I mean back when I used to talk to Lohan, she straight up singled Amanda Seyfried out once and called her a bitch…they were in Mean Girls together, so this Amanda Seyfried winning at Lohan’s game with Lohan’s only casting in the last 5 years…is like a real fuck you…and that kind of cat fight is what masturbation is made of…. I like how they make Porn look like a sad, broken place…because it is.

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Amanda Seyfried in the Lovelace Trailer of the Day

Bianca Balti for Elle of the Day

Bianca Balti is a hot Brazilian model, who may not be showing her tits, but who is fantastic to stare at despite being clothed for this Elle France Shoot, that you’d expect to have more pubic hair and nipples, you know while eating cheese and baguette, to fit in with the French culture and allow their ignorant asses to be a little more accepting to this hotness… But I take what I can get….and I am okay with this…nothing celebrates America like pictures for magazines from FRANCE…. If you’re not into Bianca Balti the Brazilian, maybe you’re into the Gay Fat Kid Who Looks like Perez Hilton School Shooting Cuz He Was Bullied….

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Bianca Balti for Elle of the Day

Courtney Stodden’s Tits Celebrate America of the Day

Nothing is more American than Courtney Stodden…and her quest for the American dream through fake hair, fake tan and most importantly, fake tits….coupled with a little tabloid fodder and scandal, a wallet fuck/gold dig, and most importantly, a love for fully exploiting and exposing herself for attention…you know you’d never see this in any Arab Country…and this is what your troops are really fighting for, not the rights to oil in countries they can overthrow…but Courtney Stodden and her go big or go home, American way…By this time next year, you won’t be saluting your flag, but rather this image of Courtney Stodden…God Bless America….

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Courtney Stodden’s Tits Celebrate America of the Day

Eva Amurri Bikini Top of the Day

Eva Amurri is the big tits and butter face that crawled out of Susan Sarandon’s vagina somewhere around 30 years ago…a poor little rich bitch who decided she wanted to make a name for herself, and instead of taking the Disney Roles her family friends would have given her out of sympathy, you know some Hollywood Handouts as Hollywood does…she decided to take a low level part where she put her huge natural tits out there on Californication…this is a girl with a trust fund, a huge inheritance, all the opportunity in the world, who could have done community theatre or some shit and never worry about rent, food or designer clothes…yet she decided to show off her huge natural tits…in a part that only really required that…and didn’t have any depth or need any talent beyond that…and for that..I guess she needs to be celebrated, even though she’s gone on to be married and have kids, because any rebellious rich girl who doesn’t give a fuck, or at least pretends to not give a fuck, is awesome when I get to see their tits… Here are some bikini pics she posted to the internet…

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Eva Amurri Bikini Top of the Day