Tag Archives: bad-interview

“Pure Criminality” or Message In A Mob? Rioting, Flashmobbing Youth Are Trying To Tell Us Something

Flashmobs from Philly to Chicago have been erupting in the United States. Now, the riots in London have been attributed to thuggery. But it’s time to listen to what the youth are saying.

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“Pure Criminality” or Message In A Mob? Rioting, Flashmobbing Youth Are Trying To Tell Us Something

7 Things You Should Be Doing After A Job Interview

Job interviews are huge. Seeing as how it’s becoming more and more difficult to get people to even look at your resume these days, having the opportunity to get your foot in the door and get to plead your case and qualifications in person is major. Once it’s over, a huge weight is lifted off your back, even if you did poorly. Now it’s time to wait. How agonizing is that? Spending too much time mourning a bad interview with your shoulda, couldas and wouldas or being too cocky about a good one is a waste of time that will leave you crazy if things don’t go your way quickly. So here are a few things you need to do to fill in that time, and to help you keep your dignity intact and your options open. Read more at MadameNoire.com

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7 Things You Should Be Doing After A Job Interview