Tag Archives: activist-group

People Are Stupid: Christian Activist Group 1 Million Mothers Boycotts H&M Over “Trans” Woman Who Isn’t Trans

1 Million Mothers Boycott H&M Over Mistaken Transgender Woman It’s one thing to love God , it’s another thing to be a complete f**king moron . The conservative Christian activist group, 1 Million Mothers, seem to be both. According to PinkNews , these Jesus freak matriarchs are railing against clothing retailer H&M for their use of what the mothers believe to be a transgender woman in a new promo ad. Problem is, the woman in question is NOT transgender. She is a$$-kickin’ Muay Thai champion Fatima Pinto, and she’s all woman. But here’s what these brilliant bible-thumpers had to say about Fatima. “1MM is not sure of H&M clothing company’s thought process behind their new television ad, but if they are attempting to offend customers and families, they have succeeded. “H&M’s newest ‘She’s A Lady’ commercial includes what appears to be a man dressed as a woman in one segment, another woman wearing skimpy lingerie, and ends with two teenage girls kissing while underwater. “Parents find this type of advertising inappropriate and unnecessary especially since H&M’s target market is teens. “H&M Marketing Team may have thought this type of advertising was politically correct, but not only is it disgusting and confusing for children, it is pushing the LBGT agenda. “Let H&M know their new ad is irresponsible.” Au contraire, you misguided mommas, YOU are the irresponsible ones. In addition to incorrectly labeling Fatima as transgender, the ad does feature an actual real-life trans person named Hari Nef. Not a mention of her in the angry statement. Hari is also white, so, go figure. Flip the page to see more of Fatima in all her glory. Image via YouTube

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People Are Stupid: Christian Activist Group 1 Million Mothers Boycotts H&M Over “Trans” Woman Who Isn’t Trans

Protestors In Ferguson Gather For The ‘Million Mask March’ & Demand Heads-Up On Darren Wilson’s Charges

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Internet activist group Anonymous sparked the worldwide (481 cities) “Million Mask March” event and on November 5th, several protestors gathered around the world. Anonymous is a…

Protestors In Ferguson Gather For The ‘Million Mask March’ & Demand Heads-Up On Darren Wilson’s Charges

The Price is Creepy of the Day

I love watching TV from the 60s, 70s and even the 80s because it’s not politically correct, or sensitive to issues that may offend someone, because guess everything offends someone nowadays and no one wants to be associated with something that may get shat on by some bullshit activist group, making our world a far more vanilla and boring place.. Before feminist lesbians, when women were paid less than men, we were allowed to make sexual references towards them withough getting arrested….but now everything is so fucking cautious and it is just breeding a society of drab, dull people with no substance, personality or sense of fucking humor… Cuz Bob Barker isn’t being all that bad here, if anything he makes the show worth stomaching and maybe Drew Carey or Luis Anderson or whoever the host is now should take some fucking notes, cuz talkshow hosts who cheated on their wives and drank their faces off, had a fuckin’ soul….

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The Price is Creepy of the Day