Tag Archives: exxon-valdez

Almost Every Worker from Exxon Valdez Oil Spill is Now Dead

Are you sure that you want to help clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? In a previous article we documented a number of the health dangers from this oil spill that many scientists are warning us of, and now it has been reported on CNN that the vast majority of those who worked to clean up the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska are now dead. Yes, you read that correctly. Almost all of them are dead. In fact, the expert that CNN had on said that the life expectancy for those who worked to clean up the Exxon Valdez oil spill is only about 51 years. Considering the fact that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is now many times worse than the Exxon Valdez disaster, are you sure you want to volunteer to be on a cleanup crew down there? After all, the American Dream is not to make big bucks for a few months helping BP clean up their mess and then drop dead 20 or 30 years early. This news clip from CNN is absolutely stunning. If this is even close to true, then why would anyone want to be involved in helping to clean up this oil?…. The truth is that what we have out in the Gulf of Mexico is a “toxic soup” of oil, methane, benzene, hydrogen sulfide, other toxic gases and very poisonous chemical dispersants such as Corexit 9500. Breathing all of this stuff is not good for your health, but the reality is that the true health toll of this oil spill is not going to be known for decades. However, the early reports are not encouraging…. *Already, a large number of workers cleaning up the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico report that they are suffering from flu-like symptoms. *According to another new report, exposure to the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico has resulted in 162 cases of illnesses reported to the Louisiana state health department. *In addition, according to one local Pensacola news source, “400 people have sought medical care for upper or lower respiratory problems, headaches, nausea, and eye irritation after trips to Escambia County beaches.” This is going to be something that we all want to keep a very close eye on. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/warning-to-gulf-cleanup-workers-almost-every-crew… BP=British Petroleum=Queen of England=NWO Royal Dutch Shell=Queen of Netherland=NWO Exxon Mobil=Standard Oil=Rockefellers=NWO added by: rodstradamus

EPA blocked ships from cleaning Oil Spill

Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post

Double The Oil, Double The Problems

It’s a doubly-bad day for news regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: Scientists have doubled their estimates of the amount of barrels flowing into the Gulf every day, and BP announced it will not have the oil leak sealed before August. New estimates put the a mount of barrels of oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico at 40,000, doubling previous estimates of 20,000, with the total now figuring between 42 million and 84 million barrels of oil leaked since the spill began on April 20th. —JCL The LA Times: Government scientists said Thursday that as many as 40,000 barrels of oil have been flowing daily from the blown-out BP well, doubling earlier estimates and greatly expanding the scope of what is already the largest spill in U.S. history. The new figures could mean 42 million to 84 million gallons of oil have leaked into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on the night of April 20 — with the lowest estimate nearly four times the size of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill. The flow estimates were released by Marcia McNutt, director of the U.S. Geological Survey, and do not count any increases that may have occurred since the cutting of the well’s riser pipe, a step that was expected to boost the flow. Read more Related Entries June 10, 2010 Putting the ‘I’ in Environment June 10, 2010 Sarah Palin: Competent Manager

Double The Oil, Double The Problems

Hair Raising Campaign to Clean Up Gulf Oil Gusher

Volunteers produced a lot of boom at Felix’ Fish Camp, Mobile Alabama, to absorb oil. Photos courtesy of Matters of Trust Since the Top Kill method has failed, cleaning up the continuously leaking oil in the Gulf of Mexico is clearly a nonstop effort until the gusher is somehow capped. Marine toxicologist and author Riki Ott left her home in Alaska to bring her expertise to the Gulf as well as her experience with the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill 21 years ago, especially in stopping the use of

See the rest here:
Hair Raising Campaign to Clean Up Gulf Oil Gusher

Kevin Costner Playing Major Role in Gulf Oil Spill Cleanup


If Your City Were Perfect, What Would It Look Like? Build It with IBM’s CityOne Game (Video)

Screengrab via IBM video If you were given total control of your city and could plan exactly how it was set up from the structures to the water management to the banking industry, how would you lay it out? IBM created a SimCity-like game called CityOne in which you can design the ideal city. The assumption is they want to mine people’s minds for the best ideas that we can implement to improve our real cities, and see what we can salvage from our terrible urban planning efforts. Check out a video of the game after the jump and see if you want to add in your two cents about how bike lanes should be set up, and if we should be running off nuclear or wind energy. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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If Your City Were Perfect, What Would It Look Like? Build It with IBM’s CityOne Game (Video)

50 Years of Selling America Oil [VIDEO]

Maybe it’s just me. But this whole Gulf of Mexico fiasco sounds a bit like a trailer mash-up between a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie and Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth. Unfortunately, this isn’t Hollywood and we’ve have 5,000 barrels of crude oil bubbling into our ocean every single day–though some are reporting it’s closer to 26,000 barrels a day ! And while some are quick to blame BP or even off-shore drilling, I am hesitant to agree: this tragedy begins at the pump. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Continued here:
50 Years of Selling America Oil [VIDEO]

The 7 Stupidest Statements Made About the BP Gulf Oil Spill

Photo via the Telegraph The BP oil spill is on par to outpace the Exxon Valdez oil spill in terms of size, impact, and devastation, which is no small feat. The Valdez spill cost billions of dollars to clean up, killed hundreds of thousands of animals, and registered a debilitating effect to the coastal ecosystem. And yet, we see, once again, that there’s no shortage of people who seem to forget easily, or are downright ignorant of the catastrophe an oil spill of this magnitude presents. To illustrate, I bring you the 7 stupidest things said about the BP oil spill so far . . …. Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the original post:
The 7 Stupidest Statements Made About the BP Gulf Oil Spill

Manhunt for suspect in NYC car bomb video

Man on video sought after NYC car bomb plot fails http://www.indiareport.com/India-usa-uk-news/ap/National/8310 added by: shantanuarora

Fears for crops as shock figures from America show scale of bee catastrophe

The evidence that honeybees are in terminal decline has emerged from the United States where, for the fourth year in a row, more than a third of colonies have failed to survive the winter. The decline of the country's estimated 2.4 million beehives began in 2006, when a phenomenon dubbed colony collapse disorder (CCD) led to the disappearance of hundreds of thousands of colonies. Since then more than three million colonies in the US and billions of honeybees worldwide have died and scientists are no nearer to knowing what is causing the catastrophic fall in numbers. The number of managed honeybee colonies in the US fell by 33.8% last winter, according to the annual survey by the Apiary Inspectors of America and the US government's Agricultural Research Service (ARS). The collapse in the global honeybee population is a major threat to crops. It is estimated that a third of everything we eat depends upon honeybee pollination, which means that bees contribute some