See the original post here:
On the surface, a gun-toting, weed smoking Black matriarch like Madea and a White stand up comedian like Larry The Cable Guy seem to have…
Larry The Cable Guy Weighs In On Kanye And The Confederate Flag [VIDEO]
See the original post here:
On the surface, a gun-toting, weed smoking Black matriarch like Madea and a White stand up comedian like Larry The Cable Guy seem to have…
Larry The Cable Guy Weighs In On Kanye And The Confederate Flag [VIDEO]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged developers, larry the cable guy, madea's christmas, product, the-surface, tyler-perry, weed-smoking, white, Yahoo
After three summers in a row of Pixar movies that moved more than half of the audience to tears, the new trailer for Cars 2 seems to more or less guarantee that we’ll be able to leave the tissues at home this time. The plot setup seems even more convoluted in this trailer (something to do with international espionage and…racing), but that doesn’t mean you can’t kick back, relax and enjoy the pretty colors, wink-nudge one-liners and wacky antics of Larry the Cable Guy.
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged audience, cable, cars 2, larry the cable guy, larry-the-cable, missing, Movies, New Movie, stars, the-audience, time, TMZ, trailer, Videos