Tag Archives: larry-thompson

Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor: First Look!

Lindsay Lohan famously posed as Elizabeth Taylor in Interview magazine in 2006. Now she’s all dressed up and ready to take on the role of a lifetime … on Lifetime. TMZ, which obtained the first of photo of LiLo in full wardrobe, reveals that she’s already gotten her hair and cut and dyed to look just like Taylor’s classic ‘do. The photo below is all Lindsay – no wig – and the resemblance is uncanny: In addition to physical similarities, sources say LiLo’s troubled history, and ability to match Taylor’s vulnerability and beauty, helped win her the role in the Lifetime film. Shooting on the movie, called Liz & Dick and chronicling her turbulent marriage, starts this week with Grant Bowler from True Blood co-starring as Richard Burton. According to the producer, Larry Thompson, there’ll be many a steamy scene between the couple, whose 18-year age difference mirrors that of Liz and Dick. [Photo: TMZ]

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Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor: First Look!

Troy Davis Executed

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Troy Davis was executed late Wednesday night for the 1989 murder of off-duty Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail. Davis died at 11:08 p.m., according to CNN. The execution was about four hours later than initially scheduled, because prison officials waited for a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Davis’ request for a stay. After 10 p.m. ET, the Supreme Court, in a brief order, rejected Davis’ request. As we previously reported, Davis’ case had attracted international attention from groups like the NAACP and Amnesty International because seven of the nine witnesses against him have recanted or contradicted their testimony. Calls for Davis to be spared execution have been made by numerous dignitaries, including former President Jimmy Carter, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Pope Benedict XVI, former FBI Director William Sessions, former Georgia Supreme Court Chief Justice Norman Fletcher and Larry Thompson, the former deputy U.S. attorney general. Read more here. RELATED: After #TroyDavis, Then What? A Message From Troy Davis Parole Board Stands By Their Decision To Execute Troy Davis! Race To Save Troy! FBI, Sharpton Protest Controversial Execution

Troy Davis Executed